Distance Education
Distance Education Incentives
The Nebraska Department of Education will provide distance education incentives to school districts and educational service units for qualified distance education courses coordinated through the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council as provided in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-1337. This will run through fiscal year 2028-29.
You can find verified courses at the ESUCC NVIS site: https://nvis.esucc.org/
Incentive applications are due by August 1 of every year to the Nebraska Department of Education. Award notification letters will be sent to the schools or educational service unit by September 1 and electronic payments will be made prior to October 1.
For more program information, you can reach out to your Distance Learning Coordinator at your educational service unit. Coordinator of Distance Education at ESUCC is Andrew Easton, aeaston@esucc.org, @EastonA1. Incentive questions can be directed to Christina Struebing, 402-314-4201, christina.struebing@nebraska.gov.
Current Rule 89