Would You Like to Dance?

Thematic Unit Title:  

Would You Like to Dance?

Subject: Social Customs
Goals: 1. Communicate in Languages Other than English
2. Gain knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
4. Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
Standards: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
4.2 Students recognize that cultures use different patterns of interaction and can apply this knowledge to their own culture.
Contexts\Outcomes: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, exchange opinions, and recognize that cultures use different patterns of social interaction.
Progress Indicators Goal 1:
Progress Indicators Goal 2:  

1.1B Express basic courtesies.
Incorporate appropriate gestures into conversations.
Converse using language and behaviors that are appropriate to the setting
1.1F Respond to one-on-one interactions.
Exchange information with peers and others.
Initiate, sustain, and conclude conversations on a wide variety of topics.

Progress Indicators Goal 3:
Progress Indicators Goal 4:  

4.2A Identify the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture using evidence from authentic sources.
Analyze the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture using evidence from authentic sources.
4.2B Identify similar and different behavioral patterns between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture.
Compare and contrast similar and different behavioral patterns between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture.
4.2C Identify the contributions of the target culture(s) to the student’s own culture.
Identify the impact of the contributions of the target culture(s) on the student’s own culture.
Analyze the impact of the contributions of the target culture(s) on the student’s own culture.
4.2D Identify expressive and utilitarian forms of the target culture(s).
Compare and contrast expressive and utilitarian forms between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture.

Progress Indicators Goal 5:
Essential Skills\Knowledge:  

Topic specific vocabulary (dating, celebrations, weddings)
Knowledge of cultural practices (dating, celebrations, gestures)
Present and future tense of verbs
Voice inflection

Assessments: Quiz:
Social Customs
Written Project:
Students keep a journal about dating experiences and cultural comparisons.
Oral Presentation:
Students work in pairs to create a skit portraying customs of dating in the target country.
Instructional Strategies:  

Students keep a journal about dating experiences and cultural comparisons meeting specified criteria.
Internet Research:
Student groups gather information about dating customs in the target culture.
Graphic Organizer:
Students use a graphic organizer to arrange and analyze information from the Internet and personal journals.
Cooperative Learning:
As a class students compare and contrast cultural customs, dating customs, personal space, and contemporary vs. old-fashioned customs.

Resources: Textbook
Library resources
Other Resources: Etiquette Books
Updated December 26, 2019 3:18pm