Please log onto your portal accounts and go to the “My Profile” tab and check to make sure your contact information (especially the email address) is up to date. It is very important to keep this information updated as the Department of Education uses the email address that is in the users’ Portal account to send vital information.
NDE Portal

Counselor and Library/Media Specialist Not Endorsed 24-25 Collection Now Open


Public and Nonpublic

The 2024-2025 Counselor and Library/ Media Specialist Not Endorsed collection is NOW OPEN in the NDE Portal. The DUE date for this data is March 14th, 2025. This data collection is used to monitor a staff member’s progress on obtaining the proper endorsement per flexibility stated in Rule 10: Regulations and Procedures for the Accreditation of Schools.  The option for allowing individuals not properly endorsed to serve in either capacity is described in Rule 10, Section 007.04B Media/Technology Staff and Section 007.05D Guidance Staff.

For questions regarding unmet progress, please contact a member of the Accreditation team:
Todd Wolverton –
Sandy Suiter –
Decua Jean-Baptiste –

For technical assistance, please submit a support ticket to the Service Desk:

Contact Information: NDE Service Desk (

2024-2025 Nonpublic Curriculum Reporting System Now Open


Nonpublic Schools

The 2024-2025 Nonpublic Curriculum Reporting System is now open in the NDE Portal. This collection is DUE on February 28th and has an audit window from March 1-15, 2025. Data in this collection is used to determine instructional unit totals, along with calculations for properly endorsed staff percentages. Instructions can be found here or within the collection itself.

To add the collection to portal accounts, a new activation code is required. This can be obtained from your school’s Portal District Administrator. Once the activation code is obtained, the collection is found within the Data Collections tab.

Questions on how to enter data and general collection navigation can be directed to

Questions regarding Rule 10 and Rule 14 regulations can be directed to

Sometimes, forms need to be submitted (along with the collection information). These forms can be found here (and within the collection itself). Please be sure to complete every field within the form, including the “Meets Rule 10/14 Regulation #:_____” section.

Contact Information: NDE Service Desk (