Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment

Virtual NE

Hosted by: U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers discuss essential findings from our research on mass attacks perpetrated in public and semi-public spaces, including businesses, restaurants, bars, retail outlets, houses of worship, schools, open spaces, and more. This training will guide how communities may develop or improve […]

Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment

Virtual NE

Hosted by: U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers discuss essential findings from our research on mass attacks perpetrated in public and semi-public spaces, including businesses, restaurants, bars, retail outlets, houses of worship, schools, open spaces, and more. This training will guide how communities may develop or improve […]

Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment

Virtual NE

Hosted by: U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers discuss essential findings from our research on mass attacks perpetrated in public and semi-public […]

NeMTSS Summer Reading Symposium – “Literacy Success:  A Matter of Social Justice”

Virtual NE

School systems are in a unique position to shift the trajectory of student academic success and life-course outcomes by improving literacy for all students. The theme of this year’s NeMTSS Summer Reading Symposium, “Literacy Success: A Matter of Social Justice” will focus on building capacity around educational equity for all by increasing knowledge and improving […]
