NDE is seeking stakeholder input on the proposed High School Computer Science & Technology Standards

The Nebraska Department of Education is seeking stakeholder input on the proposed Computer Science and Technology standards. These standards have been derived from existing course standards in Communication and Information Systems pathways. The information collected will be used as part of the standards review and revision process. Reviewing these standards will take approximately 15 minutes. You will have the opportunity to review all of the proposed standards.


The Computer Science and Technology Act (N.R.S. 79-3301) outlines the requirements for instruction in computer science and technology. Additionally, N.R.S. 79-729 specifies the Computer Science and Technology Act requirement for high school graduation. Beginning with the year 2027-2028, each school district shall require each student to complete at least five high school credit hours in computer science and technology education through a single course or a combination of courses that cover these proposed academic standards.

According to 79-3303, Computer Science and Technology education includes, but is not limited to, knowledge and skills regarding: (1) computer literacy, (2) educational technology, (3) digital citizenship, (4) information technology, and (5) computer science.

Public Input

For this survey, we are interested in your feedback related to the content and rigor on the proposed draft of the Nebraska High School Computer Science and Technology standards.

  • Content refers to the knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn as a result of the standards. Content reflects the “what” students would learn. Content does not refer to specific curriculum or teaching methods that would be used in a school or classroom.
  • Rigor refers to the depth of thinking and learning the standard requires. Standards that are rigorous encourage deeper thinking, advanced skill development, and help students apply their learning in a variety of contexts.

You can access the survey by clicking on this Survey Link. The survey will close on Friday, October 6th. Please share and forward this survey with other members of your school, district, students and families, and organizations who could additionally provide valuable input on these standards.