Reminders for School Officials

Link to VA Resources – “This is a link to VA Resources for schools; which is designed to be a one-stop shop for School Certifying Officials (SCOs) and school administrators assisting students who are using their VA benefits to pursue education and training programs.  Find trainings, resources, guides, and information on GI Bill programs to support military-connected students.”

(To be sent to the State Approving Agency)

  1. EMAIL – send us an email for:
    Change in phone number
    Change in email address
    Change in room numbers, street address, etc.
    Removal of previously approved program or internship course number, etc.
    Addition of a new program
    Revision to existing program (change in length, curriculum, or name)
    Removal of program or other items that are listed on our database (or by email-see 1.a. above)
    Any other request not listed above
  4. Catalogs – must have certification statement on cover of each catalog (see below)
    Four hard copies or
    Two CDs
  5. Schedules: Three copies of each term schedule offered (need not certify).

Certification Statement:
I certify this catalog to be true and correct in contents and policies.
___________________ ___
School Official Signature Title

GI Bill® Is a Registered Trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the U.S. Government website

Updated September 8, 2021 10:52pm