Performance Improvement Plan

Section 123(b)(1-5) of the Perkins Legislation provides for Local Performance Improvement process.  The basic parameters of the requirements are based on the performance data identified in Section 113 [Accountability Data].  If an eligible recipient does not meet 90% of the state goal the eligible recipient shall develop and implement a program improvement plan during the first program year succeeding the program year for which the eligible recipient failed to meet any of the core indicators of performance.

This improvement plan is to be included, along with any progress made, with the grant narrative due May 2025 which can be found here:  Perkins Administration – Nebraska Department of Education

Based on the analysis, a plan for improving performance may include:

  • A review to determine the quality and accuracy of the data submitted
  • Professional development for staff/faculty that results in improved achievement on the core indicator of performance
  • Strategies for improvement of the instructional program or experiences that may result in improved student achievement on the core indicator of performance

A financial obligation from the basic grant may be made in the performance improvement plan to assist with strategies to improve student performance.  If a core indicator of performance is missed for three consecutive years, it is a requirement to obligate grant funds to strategies that result in the improvement of student achievement in the measure.

The improvement plan must include categories of students for which there were quantifiable disparities or gaps in performance compared to all students or any other category of students.

The following is a list of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) failing to meet 90% of the state goal and, thus, required to submit a performance improvement plan (PIP) for each indicator missed.  A missed indicator reflects an “X” below.

For more information on specific LEA performance, please visit Perkins Report Cards.



*Based on Data Reported 2023-2024*

Secondary Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
Consortium or School 1S1 2S1 2S2 2S3 3S1 4S1 5S3
ESU 01
ESU 02
ESU 03
ESU 04
ESU 05
ESU 06
ESU 07
ESU 08
ESU 09
ESU 10
ESU 11
ESU 13
ESU 15
ESU 16
ESU 17
Alliance Public Schools X X X
Beatrice Public Schools
Bellevue Public Schools X
Blair Public Schools X
Columbus Public Schools X
Crete Public Schools X X
Elkhorn Public Schools
Fremont Public Schools X X X X
Gering Public Schools X X X
Grand Island Public Schools X X X
Gretna Public Schools
Hastings Public Schools X X X
Kearney Public Schools
Lexington Public Schools X X X
Lincoln Public Schools
Millard Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools X X X
North Platte Public Schools X X X
Omaha Public Schools X X X X
Papillion-LaVista Schools
Ralston Public Schools X X X X
Scottsbluff Public Schools X X
So Sioux City Community Schools X X
Southwest Consortium
Westside Community Schools X
STATE GOAL 96.21 46.21 44.84 51.09 83.65 25.90 10.86



*Based on Data Reported 2022-2023*

Postsecondary Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Consortium or Institute




Central Community College X
Metro Community College X
Nebraska College of Tech Agriculture & Mid-Plains Community College X
Northeast Community College X
Southeast Community College X
Western Nebraska Community College X X
STATE GOAL 79.66 40.81 21.72
Updated November 19, 2024 3:36pm