Program Services
Title IC Migrant Education Program Services
Services are those educational or educationally related activities that:
- directly benefit a migrant child
- address a need of a migrant child
- are grounded in scientifically based research, and
- are designed to enable the program to meet its measurable outcomes
The Title IC Migrant Education Programs services must be supplemental and never supplant, always the last dollar spent. The program is established in the state of Nebraska through 14 different projects that offer supplemental services based on the needs of the migrant student/youth in a school district or region.
Staff Resources
Services Handbook
Service providers in the state of Nebraska have a one-stop resource intended to support all aspects of providing supplemental services to migrant students. Service providers are encouraged to also get familiar with the Non-Regulatory Guidance chapter 5.
Nebraska Service Reporting Codes
In Nebraska, we report supplemental services into our statewide data software by coding each allowable service as one of the following codes.
Nebraska Service Reporting Codes (updated 2024)
Nebraska Service Provider Log
In Nebraska, we report supplemental services and keep documentation. One resource to keep track of services is below.
NePAT Assessment
A Nebraska Title IC Migrant Education Program created an assessment tool for school readiness.
Nebraska Preschool Assessment Tool – Learn more here
Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines
Resource for staff working with children ages 0-5.
Early Learning Foundations
Resource for parents of children ages 0-5.
Foundations for Success: A Parent’s Companion Piece to the Early Learning Guidelines, English
English Language Arts
ELA Nebraska Standards
Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts. Adopted by the State Board of Education on September 2, 2021
English Language Arts Standards
Migrant Literacy Net
The Migrant Literacy Net website provides staff with supplemental resources and students with online instruction to develop individual literacy skills
Mathematics Nebraska Standards
The current mathematics standards were approved by the State Board of Education in September 2022.
Summer Learning Programs
Summer learning opportunities provided by the Nebraska Department of Education.
Math for English Learners
Supporting English Learners in Content-Area Standards resource.
iSOSY Goal Setting
iSOSY created Goal Setting materials to give service providers and students a platform to discuss the importance of setting goals and the tools to get there.
Diploma Project Toolkit
The Diploma Project Toolkit is a handbook created to assure success for migrant students in earning a high school diploma and making a smooth transition to career or postsecondary education.
Portable Assisted Study Sequence (PASS)
The Portable Assisted Study Sequence (PASS) Program consists of self-contained, semi-independent study courses which enable students to earn secondary-level academic credits. Participating students generally take these courses in order to make up courses, meet graduation requirements or cope with scheduling difficulties.
ACT Fee Waiver
Students enrolled in the Title IC Migrant Education Program are eligible for a fee waiver to take the ACT.
Innovative Strategies for Out-of-school Youth and
Secondary Students (iSOSY)
The 18-state iSOSY Title IC Migrant Education Program Consortium Incentive Grant (CIG) develops resources and materials to address the needs of migratory youth. Our products help students identify and achieve their academic and career goals with support from innovative technology. Through collaboration among member states, we expand capacity at the state and local levels to support the success of out-of-school youth (OSY) and secondary students who are at risk of dropping out of high school.
English Learner Programs
Resources for staff working with English Learners.
ELPA21 & Enrichment Activities
ELPA21 is a comprehensive English language proficiency assessment and instructional system designed to support English learners and their educators.
Inclusion Resources
The linked spreadsheet contains listings and links to resources that might help you and your programs.
Please note that the resources listed on this spreadsheet do not constitute an endorsement by the Nebraska Migrant Education Program or a guarantee that these will meet your needs. The Nebraska Migrant Education Program is not responsible for the content of the resources listed.
Apostilles and Authentications
Apostilles and Authentications are certifications of a state notary’s signature or county official’s signature on a document. An apostille is a form of certification set by countries belonging to the Hague Convention. An authentication is a form of certification used by all other countries not in the Hague Convention.
Direct Certification Eligibility Process & Eligibility for School Meals
Coordination between the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Nutrition Services and Title I Part C, Migrant Education Program (MEP) has permitted implementation of the Direct Certification process.
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) assists students who are migratory or seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers) enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies at an IHE. The funding supports the completion of the first year of studies.