Title IC Migrant Education Program Administration
Title IC Migrant Education Program Administration
The Title IC Migrant Education Program in Nebraska consists of 14 projects ranging from school districts, educational service units, and one Head Start. Each project has the responsibility to coordinate the implementation of the program in their area. This page has resources, documents, and forms aimed to support each project.
Staff Resources
New Staff Online Training
New staff training is delivered through Canvas an online teaching platform. All new staff should register and complete training in collaboration with the training provided by the local project.
Staff Change Request
If you have a new staff member or need to revise someone’s contact information please use this form. Please click the button below to access the form.
Evaluation Toolkit
The Evaluation Toolkit was created to assess the strategies implemented by providing data relating to each measurable program outcome (MPO) as outlined in the migrant service delivery plan.
As you choose various strategies to implement in any of the three goal areas,
- School Readiness;
- Reading/Writing and Mathematics; and
- Graduation and Services to Out-of-School Youth
You will notice each strategy is tied to an MPO. The MPOs allow the MEP to determine whether and to what degree the program has met the unique needs of migrant students as identified in the needs assessment.
To support the data collection for each MPO, an Evaluation and/or Monitoring tool has been created. As you select strategies for implementation, please review the MPO and Evaluation and Monitoring Tools that coincide. Some of the tools may require projects to collect pre/post assessment data, staff training evaluations, and parent surveys.
2024-25 Evaluation Data Checklist
The Evaluation Data Checklist highlights the instruments provided in the Evaluation Toolkit as well as which MPO(s) they measure, who should utilize the tool, and when the evaluation results are due to the state.
Toolkit Forms
Due Annually 08/31
Form 1: Parent Training Evaluation (Online, links provided on checklist, or Paper)
Form 2: End of Year – Staff Survey (Online, link sent in Spring)
Form 3: End of Year Parent Survey (Online, link sent in Spring)
Form 4: Preschool Assessment Tracking Record (Spreadsheet or MIS2000)
Form 5: ELA/Math Assessment Tracking Record (Spreadsheet or MIS2000)
Form 6: End of Year Recruiter Survey (Online, link sent in Spring)
Form 7: Fidelity of Strategy Implementation (FSI) Tool (Report)
Form 8: Student Services Tracking Record (Optional Spreadsheet)
Other forms
NE Evaluation Data Checklist 2024-25
2024-25 Evaluation Training Slides 8-2024
Form 1: Parent Training Evaluation (Online, links provided on checklist, or Paper)
Form 2: End of Year – Staff Survey (Online, link sent in Spring)
Form 3: End of Year Parent Survey (Online, link sent in Spring)
Form 4: Preschool Assessment Tracking Record (Spreadsheet or MIS2000)
Form 5: ELA/Math Assessment Tracking Record (Spreadsheet or MIS2000)
Form 6: End of Year Recruiter Survey (Online, link sent in Spring)
Form 7: Fidelity of Strategy Implementation (FSI) Tool (Report)
Form 8: Student Services Tracking Record (Optional Spreadsheet)
Other forms
2023-24 Data Request for Danielle
Evaluation Data Chart for 2023-24
Form 1 MEP Parent Training Evaluation
Form 1 MEP Parent Training Evaluation (Arabic)
Form 1 MEP Parent Training Evaluation (Somali)
Nebraska MEP Alignment Chart 23-24
Staff Survey & Feedback Form
Please let us know if you have feedback or suggestions to improve the MEP program. Please click the button below to access the form.
Non-Regulatory Guidance
You can find below the link to the “purple book” the Non-Regulatory Guidance.
NE Title IC-Migrant Project Handbook
You can find below the Nebraska Title IC Migrant Project Handbook
Technical Assistance Form
If you are in need of technical assistance, please use the form below.
School Administration Letter
Non-Educational Expenditures Request Form
You can find below the Non-Educational Expenditures Request form.
Title IC Individual Professional Development Plan Template
You can find below the Individual Title IC Professional Development Plan template.
2024-25 Title IC Monitoring Document
You can find below the Title IC Monitoring Document.
Continuous Improvement Cycle
The primary purpose of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) is to guide the overall design of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) on a statewide basis. The CNA helps state education agencies (SEAs) and local operating agencies (LOAs)/local educational agencies (LEAs) prioritize the needs of migrant children by determining the specific services that will help migrant children achieve the State’s measurable outcomes and performance targets.
2023-24 District Comprehensive Needs Assessment Template
2023-24 Regional Comprehensive Needs Assessment Template
Nebraska Local CNA Guide 2023-24
The below tools can be found in the CNA Toolkit (Revised 09 /20).
Sections 1304(b)(1) and 1306(a)(1) of the statute require the state education agency (SEA) to ensure that the state and its local operating agencies (LOAs) identify and address the special educational needs of migrant children. Furthermore, every SEA must develop and update a written comprehensive state service delivery plan (SDP) that includes an identification and assessment of the special educational needs of migrant children.
SEAs must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) in order to develop a comprehensive state plan for service delivery that addresses the special educational needs of migrant children. LOAs must conduct a needs assessment in order to provide services that will meet the identified needs in accordance with the comprehensive state plan for service delivery.
The SDP describes the strategies the SEA will pursue on a statewide basis to help migrant children and youth reach the performance targets the state has identified for them.
Section 200.84 of the regulations requires SEAs to determine the effectiveness of the MEP through a written evaluation that measures the implementation and results achieved by the programs against the State’s measurable outcomes and performance targets, particularly for those students who are a priority for services.
Priority for Services (PFS) and At-Risk
Priority for Services – This term is described in section 1304(d) of the statute as “migratory children who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the State’s challenging State academic content standards and challenging State student academic achievement standards, and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year.”
Priority for services is given to migratory children who (1) have made a qualifying move within the previous 1-year period and who (2) are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards; or have dropped out of school, (applies to USA schools only).
MIS2000 Database Management System
Section 1304(b)(3) requires SEAs to promote interstate and intrastate coordination by providing for educational continuity through the timely transfer of pertinent school records (including health information) when children move from one school to another, whether or not the move occurs during the regular school year. The Nebraska Migrant Education Program (MEP) uses MIS2000 to record this information.
MIS2000 is a solution for the information needs of states serving migrant children. MIS2000 provides for the storage, retrieval and reporting of student information. Records are electronically transferred without a dependency on a national database. The installation process establishes a state database which is served by multiple sub-state installation sites with region, county, or district levels. Each sub state site communicates directly with the state system. States using MIS2000 can easily transfer student information from state to state. The Nebraska MEP promotes interstate and intrastate coordination through the continuity of records.
Danielle Waite, State Migrant Program Analyst
2456 N Walnut
PO Box 212
Shelby, NE 68662
(402) 270-0234
Reporting Data Elements
Change of Data Form
Nebraska MEP Service Reporting Codes (updated 2022)
MSIX Webinar – Managing Worklist-1-11-2017
MIS2000 Reports
States are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) and to provide guidance to their local projects on how to conduct local evaluations. Evaluations allow State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Operating Agencies (LOAs) to:
- determine whether the program is effective and document its impact on migrant children;
- improve program planning by comparing the effectiveness of different types of interventions;
- determine the degree to which projects are implemented as planned and identify problems that are encountered in program implementation; and
- identify areas in which children may need different MEP services.
A proper evaluation can provide powerful information regarding how best to use MEP funds to achieve the desired result.
Title IC Migrant Education Program
Interstate Coordination
The Interstate Migrant Education Council (IMEC), is an independent organization whose mission is to advocate policies that ensure the highest quality education and other needed services for the nation’s migrant children. IMEC’s volunteer members work to enhance educational opportunities for migrant students by examining policy issues concerning coordination between public and private agencies, including all levels of government.
The 18-state iSOSY MEP Consortium Incentive Grant (CIG) develops resources and materials to address the needs of migratory youth. Our products help students identify and achieve their academic and career goals with support from innovative technology. Through collaboration among member states, we expand capacity at the state and local levels to support the success of out-of-school youth (OSY) and secondary students who are at risk of dropping out of high school.
The purpose of the Texas Migrant Interstate Program (TMIP) is to facilitate intra- and interstate coordination in order to help meet the educational needs of migrant children from Texas who migrate out of state.
The TMIP is a special project of the Texas Education Agency, Department of Contracts, Grants and Financial Administration. The TMIP facilitates intra- and interstate coordination of information, resources and services for migrant students, with an emphasis on serving students identified by the Texas MEP as “Priority for Services” (PFS).
The IDRC Consortium has resources that are designed to help streamline recruiter efforts to find the students and youth who are eligible for MEP. There are 26 member states who have additional resources through their participation in this Consortium Project.