NDE GMS Contact Information
For questions about District, Attendance Center (building) data, consortia and functionality problems in the GMS:
GMS Help Desk NDE.GMSData@Nebraska.gov
For questions about Payments, Financial Reports and Closeouts:
Budget & Grants Management (B&GM) Help Desk NDE.BGMHelp@nebraska.gov
- Career and Technical Education, 21st CCLC and ESSER Collaborative ELO: Annette Cooper (402) 937-5860
- ESSER/Title IA/Title ID/Improvement Grants/Title IV: Sara Leber (402) 890-8977
- ESSER: Jackie Maly (402) 580-3184
- Special Education: Nancy Lorenz (402) 937-2789
- Special Education/McKinney-Vento/ARP HCY I & II: Robin Deevy (402) 499-5528
- Special Education/Title IC Migrant: Jennifer Mai (402) 890-9115
- Title IIA/Title III/Early Childhood: Ron Theasmeyer (402) 890-9162
For questions about Fiscal Monitoring (includes Time and Effort):
Budget & Grants Management (B&GM) Help Desk NDE.BGMHelp@nebraska.gov
- Tom Goeschel (402) 890-8912
- Merci Suarez (402) 937-3241
- E Nore (531) 280-8649
For program questions regarding:
21st CCLC Continuation Grant:
Mariella Resendiz (402) 309-0463 or mariella.resendiz@nebraska.gov
21st CCLC First Time Grant:
- Mariella Resendiz (402) 309-0463 or mariella.resendiz@nebraska.gov
ESSER Funds Grant:
Early Childhood Endowment (Sixpence) Grant:
- Stephanie Renn (402) 239-5920 or srenn@nebraskachildren.org
Early Childhood State Grant:
- Kristine Luebbe (402) 471-1860 or kristine.luebbe@nebraska.gov
- Melody Hobson (402) 471-0263 or melody.hobson@nebraska.gov
ESSA Consolidated Applications/Amendments:
ESSER Collaborative ELO Grant
- Stephanie Vadnais (402) 789-6003 or svadnais@nebraskachildren.org
McKinney–Vento Homeless Education Competitive Grant:
- Ann Carmoney (402) 525-7109 or ann.carmoney@nebraska.gov
Perkins Secondary and Post Secondary Grant:
Perkins reVISION Action Grant:
Perkins reVISION Initial Grant:
- Sydney Kobza, (402) 937-3389 or sydney.kobza@nebraska.gov
Rural Education Achievement Programs (REAP):
- Ann Carmoney (402) 525-7109 or ann.carmoney@nebraska.gov
Special Education Planning Region Team (PRT) Grant:
- Cole Johnson (402) 471-4318 or cole.johnson@nebraska.gov
Special Education IDEA Consolidated Grant:
- Suzie Pierce (531) 289-8190 or suzie.pierce@nebraska.gov
Special Education Secondary Transition Innovative Competitive Grant:
- Amy Rhone (402) 471-4323 or amy.rhone@nebraska.gov
Support Services – Flex Funding – Below Age 5:
- Amy Rhone (402) 471-4323 or amy.rhone@nebraska.gov
Support Services – Flex Funding – School Age:
- Amy Rhone (402) 471-4323 or amy.rhone@nebraska.gov
Title I, Part A and Title I Support for Improvement:
Title I, Part C – Migrant Education:
- Benjamin Zink (402) 416-9876 benjamin.zink@nebraska.gov
Title I, Part D – Neglected or Delinquent and Title I, Part D:
- Ann Carmoney (402) 525-7109 or ann.carmoney@nebraska.gov
Title II, Part A – Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund:
- Tate Toedman (402) 405-6456 or tate.toedman@nebraska.gov
Title III – Language Acquisition and Immigrant Education:
- Julie Otero (402) 405-5212 or julie.otero@nebraska.gov
Title IV, Part A – Student Support and Academic Enrichment:
- Tate Toedman (402) 405-6456 or tate.toedman@nebraska.gov