State Educator Preparation Program Approval

Annual Board Approval – NDE Rule 24 Matrices, Documents, and Forms

State Program Review – Report Documents and Forms

Visitation Schedule

The goal of State Program Review is to provide an accurate picture of educator preparation offered by the Nebraska institution in order to maintain State Approval. In addition to annual reporting requirements, the State Program Approval requires a full review of the educator preparation program (EPP), including the specific areas of endorsement or advanced preparation. The full review is conducted on a cyclical basis, generally every seven years, and is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the program.

The full review includes an off-site Folio Review process which engages professional educators in the review of folio materials prepared by the institution. The folios include data and other information regarding the institution’s compliance with Rule 24 (endorsements) and Rule 20 (overall preparation program) requirements; assessment results regarding candidate quality and performance in areas such as candidate’s knowledge, skills, dispositions, and effect on PK-12 learning, and program improvement initiatives informed by candidate performance data.

Once the off-site Folio Review is completed, an on-site visit is conducted, generally in conjunction with the national accreditation visit.

After all the evidence is examined, the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education (NCTE) makes a formal recommendation to the Commissioner of Education and the Nebraska State Board of Education regarding state approval of the institution’s educator preparation program. The State Board makes the final determination regarding state approval.


Updated February 23, 2018 8:53am