Leveraging Afterschool for English Learner Success
This document compiles resources pertaining specifically to the needs of afterschool programs to support English learners.
Five Ways to Build Students’ Vocabulary
American Library Association
Consider your librarian as your teaching partner in the afterschool and summer program. Connect your students to your school and community library.
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. Visit the American Library Association website for 60 Ways to Use your Library Card and other useful resources.
Colorin Colorado!
Includes links to resources for families of ELL students interested in supporting young readers.
This site offers fun, educational activities for reading, writing and storytelling- dedicated to helping kids of all abilities.
Ink Think Tank
The Ink Think Tank database was created by 22 children’s book authors who have connected their nonfiction works to curriculum standards.
International Children’s Digital Library
This website offers a collection of thousands of children’s books available free online from countries all around the globe in native languages and in English.
Jack Prelutsky
Jack Prelutsky’s website allows visitors to enjoy his poems, read letters from students, and learn about the author and parents/educators can find home activities, classroom activities and a book list.
National Council of Teachers of English
This website, with sections for elementary, middle, secondary and college, offers resources and professional development related to English studies, literacy and language arts.
National Council of Teachers of English
How to Help Your Child Become a Better Writer
This position statement offers suggestions for helping a child become a better writer, both at home and at school.
One Size Does Not Fit All
This article from Teacher Magazine offers ways to make reading assignments more engaging for all levels of students.
Award-winning author James Patterson, who has championed books and reading, has created this website for parents and educators to help make children lifelong readers.
Reading is Fundamental
This website includes articles, advice and book lists as well as a section for parents that has tips and activity ideas to help motivate children to read.
SEDL Afterschool Training Toolkit
This section of the toolkit addresses how to integrate speaking, listening, reading, and writing after school, and offers resources for planning, incorporating real world activities, assessing programs, training staff and resources for key practices.
Leading an Afterschool Writing Club
Deb Coyle, Lincoln Public Schools and Nebraska Writing Project
Originally aired Monday, December 2, 2013
After school and summer are the perfect times to support writers and at the same time, engage families in your afterschool program. Join Deb Coyle, Nebraska Writing Project I Love to Write workshop leader and writing club expert, to learn the basics of starting an Afterschool Writing Club for your students and family members including philosophy, framework, and resources.
Literature Resources for After School Writers Circles