I just uploaded my csv file and the system gave me an “Error #102.” When I clicked the link for more info, a list of accounts says “-1101, -1102, -1104, etc. That’s not what my upload file has as account codes. What happened to my information?
This error message was generated because the information in the file has been corrupted.
The most common cause of this issue is due to the csv file exported out of your financial software for uploading was likely opened (after it was created) in Excel instead of WordPad or NotePad.
If this file is opened in Excel, the account code string is read as a formula since there is a leading dash “-” in the account string.
We strongly recommend districts to not open their csv export file in order to avoid this issue.
If you need to open up your csv file, go into either WordPad or NotePad to find your file and open it through one of those programs. Be sure the file name has .csv at the end to ensure that the file saves as a csv.
If these steps do not resolve this issue, contact your software vendor as soon as possible.
When I do a test upload of my account codes into the test site, I get an error that says “Error 101 – Invalid Agency ID.” I am using Agency IDs that have been assigned by NDE. Why is this error appearing?
There are a several possible reasons that this error is being generated after uploading your file:
- The Agency ID may be incomplete. It should be appear in this format: XX-XXXX-XXX which is “County Number” – “School Number” – “School/District Level”
- The Agency ID is not correct. If your file does not include your specific Agency ID isn’t correct for your district, it will not be recognized by the system.
- An Agency ID for an Alternative, SPED, or Focus Program has been included in the AFR that was uploaded. Since there is no membership associated with this programs, no expenditures can be reported with that Agency ID. Expenditures for these schools/programs must be allocated back to the individual student’s originating school.
After uploading our district account code list, we are getting “Invalid Code Errors” for many of our codes. How do we figure out what codes are acceptable to be uploaded?
To see what object codes are available in all of the school district funds, view the Master Account Code List and using the filter function located on Row 1.
For example, to see all of the available codes in the General Fund for a specific function code (i.e. 2510 Fiscal Services), click the down arrow next to Account Code at the top of Column A, enter 01-2-02510- into the “Search” box, and click “OK.” All of the object codes under 2510 will appear.
To see all of the revenue codes available in the Activity Fund, enter 01-1-0 into the “Search” box and click “OK.” All of the General Fund Revenue codes will appear.
To go back to the complete list of account codes, click the down arrow in Column A and click “Clear Filter.”
I uploaded my file and keep getting “An Invalid Error” for disbursements in my Activities Fund. I’m using 05-2-2190-610.
The problem is with the Disbursement Function Code 2190. The only Disbursement Function Codes that available are 2900 Other Support Services and 3200 Enterprise Operations. Use the Filter Function in the top row of the Master Code List to see what codes are available to use in each fund.
Why do I have an “Invalid Code” error for this code: 01-2-06404-237?
The problem with this code is that Federal disbursements do not need the Increase Retirement Contribution Contribution (Object Code 237) broken out. 100% of the Retirement Contributions for employees paid out of a Federal Program should be recorded in the 23X series.
I just uploaded the account coding for our ESU. The report stated that I had an invalid agency code. I do know that I have used the correct ESU agency code.
The ESU AFR Test Upload Site will be available later this fall.
How do we fix the codes that are listed as “Invalid Codes” in the error message after we upload our AFR codes into the AFR Upload Test Site?
The AFR system generates a list of codes identified as “Invalid Codes” for those that will not be accepted by the AFR system.
The majority of the invalid code message are due to:
- Inappropriate combination of fund, function codes and object codes. Here are some common examples of inappropriate combinations:
- Object code 630 Food should not be coded into the Special Building Fund.
- Object Code 105 Superintendent salary (and benefits) should only appear in Disbursement Function 2320 Executive Administration.
- Object codes that were eliminated from the original Master Code List
- No leading “dash” for the coding string.
- Revenue reported by school level
- School ID Number does not match NDE Information
- Go to NDE ADVISOR Resource Page and click on “All District and School Codes (Excel).”
Here are the steps to correct invalid codes:
- View the tutorial video on correcting invalid codes.
- Review each invalid code identified by looking up the function and object codes the Users’ Manual.
- If the function and or object code(s) do not appear in the Users’ Manual, it means that this code does not exist. You will need to find an existing code that best fits your needs.
- Confirm the code combination exists in the Master Code List
- The Master Code List is set up with a filter at the top of both columns so you can determine whether the combination of fund/function/object code exists.
- If the school ID appears as invalid, find your school codes, go to NDE ADVISOR Resource Page and click on “All District and School Codes (Excel)” and find the correct code.
Once the invalid codes have been corrected in your financial software, export a new csv file and go through the steps to upload again.
If you do not see a list of “Invalid Codes,” you will be able to continue through the system to view the various reports to verify the uploaded data.
Will the AFR System “round” financial data that is being uploaded?
Yes. All of the amounts uploaded into the AFR System will be immediately rounded to the nearest whole number.
Where do we upload our test file to assure that all of our account codes will be accepted by the AFR System?
To test your financial coding, upload your csv file at https://afreven.education.ne.gov/uploadafrfile_Test
After uploading your csv file into this testing site, the AFR system will likely generate a list of codes identified as “Invalid Codes” for those that will not be accepted by the AFR system.
Here are the steps to correct invalid codes:
- Review each code by checking the Users’ Manual.
- Confirm the code combination exists in the Master Code List.
The majority of the invalid code message are due to:
- Inappropriate combination of fund, function codes and object codes. Here are some common examples of inappropriate combinations:
- Object code 630 Food should not be coded into the Special Building Fund.
- Object Code 105 Superintendent salary (and benefits) should only appear in Disbursement Function 2320 Executive Administration.
- Object codes that were eliminated from the original Master Code List.
- No leading “dash” for the coding string.
- Revenue reported by school level
Once the invalid codes have been corrected, go through the steps to upload again.
If you do not see a list of “Invalid Codes,” you will be able to continue through the system to view the various reports to verify the uploaded data.
If you’re still uncertain, please contact Janice Eret or Michelle Cartwright for assistance.
Should the AFR flat file (csv) generated by my financial software be opened to review before uploading into AFR System?
No, this file should not be opened. If revisions need to be made to your financial data, make those changes through your software in order to generate a new csv file to upload.
If this csv file is opened in a program such as Excel, the data will be reformatted and will not be recognized by the AFR Upload System.
I got errors on the AFR Upload. How do I resolve these errors so I can complete the upload?
There are several possible issues –
- Corrupt File: The AFR Flat File might be corrupt or not formatted correctly. Re-upload a new csv file from your financial software.
- Invalid Account Codes: An invalid account code appears in your csv upload file.
- Compare the list generated in the error message to the 2018/19 Master Account Code list.
- Review the Function Code and the Object Code description in the Users’ Manual
- If the account code doesn’t not appear in the 2018/19 Master Account Code List, you will need to find a code on the 2018/19 Master Account Code List that will fit your purpose. You also may have to contact your vendor if you are unable to make the correction.
- Compare the list generated in the error message to the 2018/19 Master Account Code list.
- Invalid Agency IDs: District or School ID number do not match NDE’s school ID numbers.
- See the ESU/District/System/School Information Report by clicking in “District/School Codes” at https://www.education.ne.gov/dataservices/adviser-resources/
- Make adjustments to your financial software to reflect codes that appear on the ESU/District/System/School Information Report.
Can we upload a separate file for the funds that are not in our financial software?
The AFR System has been programmed so that each time a file is uploaded into the AFR System, the previous file information is overwritten. Therefore, all of the information must be contained in one file to upload. If some of your funds are not included in your financial software, ask your software vendor to help you enter year-end totals into the appropriate disbursement object codes and revenue codes. Next year, you should have all of your funds brought into your financial software.
Do all of our funds’ transactions need to be included in the AFR Upload System?
Yes. The AFR flat file (generated by your software to upload into the AFR) must include financial transactions for all district funds. If some of your funds are not included in your financial software, ask your software provider to help you enter year-end totals in each of the appropriate revenue codes and disbursement object codes for those funds. When the 2019/20 year begins, each transaction should be entered for all funds.