Project Planning and Management
As part of the Year 1 planning process, a comprehensive Data Landscape Analysis was conducted to identify the major existing data systems supporting families and their birth to 5 children, understand the landscape of these systems as they fit into the envisioned mixed-delivery system, analyze the topology of those systems to identify the sources of data to meet the prioritized use cases, and identify the major gaps in data sources and uses that will need to be filled.
In addition to the landscape analysis, two other planning documents were created, a Use Case Analysis and an ECIDS Architectural Analysis. The purpose of the Use Case Analysis was to discover the use cases and data needs to inform the development of a future state ECIDS that can support an integrated ECCE mixed delivery system that unifies the activities of communities, regions and the state. The purpose of the Architectural Analysis was to synthesize the capability requirements from the Use Case analysis with the data requirements identified in the Data Landscape document to propose a strawman architecture for ECIDS.
Three use cases have been prioritized by the ECDC and other stakeholder groups that will be the initial priority of ECIDS and will be the focus for project planning and management, including system design and architecture. More discussion on these use cases are provided in the Data Use section.