2021-2022 ADVISER Vendor Certification
This is the status of Student Information System and other vendors in regards to being certified for publishing data to the ADVISER system for the 2021-2022 school year. For information regarding the certifications from 2020-2021 school year, please visit the 2020-2021 ADVISER Vendor Certification page.
GoEdustar | Infinite Campus | JMC | Powerschool | NebSIS | Edupoint Synergy | SRS
Please visit the following link for the certification document: GoEdustar Certification Document
Please visit the following link for the certification document: Infinite Campus Certification Document
Please visit the following link for the certification document: JMC Certification Document
Please visit the following link for the certification document: Powerschool Certification Document
Please visit the following link for the certification document: NebSIS Certification Document
Please visit the following link for the certification document: Edupoint Synergy Certification Document
Please visit the following link for the certification document: SRS Certification Document
Conditionally certified – vendors that have some deficiencies in their ability to publish all required ADVISER data, but are approved to publish to ADVISER for now on the condition that the related issues are to be fixed
Known Issues – Items that have failed a certification test that the vendor must plan to fix, these may or may not prevent a vendor from becoming partially certified
Unsupported Features – Certification tests that a vendor is excused from passing due to a specific NDE-approved reason