PPCS and Veterans Education

Private Postsecondary Career Schools Mission Statement

The Private Postsecondary Career Schools and Veterans Education section of the Nebraska Department of Education has the responsibility of authorizing private postsecondary career schools to operate educational programs and to recruit students for their schools.

Veterans Education Mission Statement

We are designated as the State Approving Agency to promote and safeguard quality education and training programs for all Veterans and other eligible persons to ensure greater education and training opportunities that meet the changing needs of Veterans, and to protect the GI Bill® resources available for these programs.

GI Bill® Is a Registered Trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the U.S. Government website www.benefits.va.gov/gibill

Process for Submitting Documents

Effective immediately we are implementing a new process for submitting documents to the Nebraska Department of Education Private Postsecondary Career Schools agency.  Please review the requirements below:

  • All documents that require a fee will need to be submitted on a USB port/thumb drive, in PDF format, categorized in folders and mailed along with the fee to Nebraska Department of Education, PPCS-VE, P.O. Box 94987, Lincoln, NE 68509.  This would include such documents as renewal applications, agent applications, new program, change of location, etc.  The documents that will need to be mailed are original school bonds, agent bonds, and documents containing notary stamps/or seals or documents containing PII.
  • Documents related to program updates or changes (i.e. instructor applications, director applications, etc.) that do not require a fee, may be emailed to yvette.martin@nebraska.gov or marisol.birth@nebraska.gov.

If you have any questions, please let us know and we will be glad to assist you.


Updated September 8, 2021 10:48pm