Program Evaluation
States are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) and to provide guidance to their local projects on how to conduct local evaluations. Evaluations allow State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Operating Agencies (LOAs) to: (1) determine whether the program is effective and document its impact on migrant children; (2) improve program planning by comparing the effectiveness of different types of interventions; (3) determine the degree to which projects are implemented as planned and identify problems that are encountered in program implementation; and (4) identify areas in which children may need different MEP services. A proper evaluation can provide powerful information regarding how best to use MEP funds to achieve the desired result.
Nebraska 2015-16 MEP Evaluation Report (pdf)
2017-2018 Evaluation Toolkit
Evaluation Toolkit 2017-18 Overview
The Evaluation Toolkit was created to assess the strategies implemented by providing data relating to each measurable program outcome (MPO) as outlined in the migrant service delivery plan.
As you choose various strategies to implement in any of the three goal areas, (1) School Readiness; (2) Reading/Writing and Mathematics; and (3) Graduation and services to Out-of-School Youth, you will notice each strategy is tied to an MPO. The MPOs allow the MEP to determine whether and to what degree the program has met the unique needs of migrant students as identified in the needs assessment.
To support the data collection for each MPO, an Evaluation and/or Monitoring tool has been created. As you select strategies for implementation, please review the MPO and Evaluation and Monitoring Tools that coincide. Some of the tools may require projects to collect pre/post assessment data, staff training evaluations, and parent surveys.
Evaluation Toolkit 2017-18 Checklist
The Evaluation Data Checklist highlights the instruments provided in the Evaluation Toolkit as well as which MPO(s) they measure, who should utilize the tool, and when the evaluation results are due to the state.
2017-2018 Toolkit Forms
Due Annually 08/31
Parent Training Evaluation, Form 1 (PDF)
Parent Training Evaluation, Form 1 (Word)
Parent Training Evaluation, Form 1 – Arabic (PDF)
Parent Training Evaluation, Form 1 – Karen (PDF)
Parent Training Evaluation, Form 1 – Somali (PDF)
Parent Training Evaluation, Form 1 – Somali (Word)
The Parent Training Evaluation should be administered following any MEP parent trainings.
Please note: Specify which goal area(s) was addressed during the training.
MEP Staff Training Evaluation, Form 2 (PDF)
MEP Staff Training Evaluation, Form 2 (Word)
The Staff Training Evaluation survey should be administered after any MEP-funded professional opportunity.
Please note: Specify which goal area(s) was addressed during the training.
ID&R Staff Training Evaluation, Form 2 (PDF)
ID&R Staff Training Evaluation, Form 2 (Word)
The ID&R Staff Training Evaluation should be after any MEP-funded ID&R professional develop opportunity.
Parent Survey, Form 4 (PDF)
Parent Survey, Form 4 (Word)
The Parent Survey will be administered by the State PAC Facilitator to a random sampling of parents across the state. Projects are welcomed to utilize this survey for their own reference.
Preschool Student Tracking Form, Form 5 (PDF)
Preschool Student Tracking Form, Form 5 (Excel)
This tracking form to be completed by projects for any students receiving at least 50 hours of MEP preschool instruction. Include the students’ MIS2000 ID, PFS status, name of assessment, and pre/post assessment scores.
Math Reading OSY Assessment Tracking Record, Form 6 (PDF)
Math Reading OSY Assessment Tracing Record, Form 6 (Excel)
This tracking form to be completed by projects for any students receiving MEP supplemental education services in mathematics or reading. Include the students’ MIS2000 ID, PFS status, name of assessment, and pre/post assessment scores.
Recruiter Survey, Form 7 (PDF)
This tracking form to be completed by projects for any students enrolled in grade 11 to document if they have completed Algebra I or higher mathematics course.
Student Services Tracking Record (OPTIONAL), Form 8 (Excel)
Fidelity of Strategy Implementation (FSI) (PDF)
Fidelity of Strategy Implementation (FSI) (Word)
Fidelity of Strategy Implementation (FSI)Tool (PowerPoint)
Nebraska MEP Alignment Chart 16-17 (Word)
Evaluation Data Chart for 2016-17 (Word)