**NEW Federal Designation Overview and Support Guidance **

PDF Downloadable Here

Targeted Support and Improvement(TSI) Additional Targeted Support and Improvement(ATSI) Support Timeline
A public school with one or more consistently underperforming student groups (2019, annually thereafter) Any public school with one or more student group(s) performing at or below the performance level  of students in state’s lowest-performing public schools. Comprehensive needs assessment plan for improvement tailored to meet needs of student groups connect to continuous improvement plan 2019; Annually Subsequently
Comprehensive Support and Improvement(CSI) Support Timeline
Lowest 5 percent of Title I Schools
Any public high schools with graduation rate below 67% OR Public schools with consistently under-performing student groups for 3 years Comprehensive needs assessment plan for improvement connected to a continuous improvement plan eligible for funding to support implementation of plan for improvement Winter 2018; Every three years subsequently
  • Since 2018, the NDE has designated schools for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI). All CSI schools complete a comprehensive needs assessment which exposes the unique needs of their schools and district. This data, along with all indicators from our AQuESTT accountability system, is used to create an improvement plan. CSI schools are eligible to receive school improvement funds based on needs identified in their plan.
  • Questions about CSI identification, support, and exit criteria? View the CSI FAQ
  • Learn more about the CSI Designation Rules here
  • Schools identified for CSI can be found here under AQuESTT Classifications

Beginning in the fall of 2019, the NDE will identify schools that will receive targeted support and improvement (TSI) and additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI). TSI and ATSI are supported by student group performance across all AQuESTT indicators. The student groups are the seven racial and ethnic groups (Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, White, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, two or more races), and students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, and English learners.

Supplemental TSI/ATSI Planning Document for Districts

Leading for Equity in Our Schools

  • This resource addresses mindsets and dispositions that help look at students from an asset perspective. The purpose of this course is to support and enhance educators’ expertise in promoting success for all students, especially for those who have been historically marginalized and oppressed.
  • To access the CSDS Leading for Equity in our Schools resource, visit https://canvas.education.ne.gov/. If you are a new user, follow directions on the homepage to create an account and navigate the site.
  • Be sure to utilize the Facilitator Guide as well as the Reflection Guide for Participants to record answers and thoughts with the Leading for Equity in our Schools resource.
  • For questions or technical assistance, please contact Shirley Vargas (shirley.vargas@nebraska.gov) or Dorann Avey (dorann.avey@nebraska.gov).

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  • Schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) are required to identify any resource inequities that exist in their school and/or district. These findings should be addressed through the creation and implementation of an improvement plan (ESSA Sec. 1111(d)(1)(B)(iv) & Sec. 1111(d)(2)(C)).
    • CSI schools are required to submit an improvement plan to the NDE that incorporates actions to address resource inequities.
    • ATSI schools are not required to submit an action plan to the NDE but can leverage an existing plan to address resource inequities. However, districts with ATSI schools are required to support and monitor the implementation of the plan.
  • Resource Allocation Review Guide for Schools & Districts 
  • ERS – What is Resource Equity?
  • Resource Equity Diagnostic 
  • Any district with a CSI school must ensure a rigorous review process to recruit, screen, select, and evaluate any external partners. It is critical for districts/schools and selected providers to have strong partnerships. AIR identified three building blocks for productive partnership:
    • Clarity—a clear understanding of what the partnership will entail, what expectations all parties will bring to the table, and how the partnership will evolve and grow across time.>
    • Communication—a commitment on the part of all parties to provide ongoing feedback to one another and assess and improve the partnership as circumstances change, problems emerge, and successes occur.
    • Expertise—a proven ability to affect change through evidence-based practices.
  • Guide to Working with External Providers – Toolkit starts on page 71
Updated November 22, 2024 4:06pm