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Nebraska Comprehensive Literacy State Development Program

The Nebraska Department of Education is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff members who will lead the state’s literacy initiatives:

  • Jamie Cook will assume the role of Literacy Officer beginning July 1st and, in that capacity, will provide strategic leadership and coordination of the Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant and the Nebraska Literacy Project to implement a cohesive statewide literacy strategy to increase student achievement. Jamie comes to the Department from Lincoln Public Schools where she has served as an elementary principal, instructional coach, and teacher.
  • Victoria Katzberg joined the team on January 13th as the Literacy Program Specialist.  She will support the activities for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant and Nebraska Literacy Project.  She will provide technical assistance and guidance to program participants and monitor activities of the subgrantees to ensure alignment with project deadlines and budget.   Victoria comes to the Department from the Office of Procurement and Grants at the Department of Health of Human Services where she served as a Grants Specialist.

In August 2024, the Nebraska Department of Education was awarded a federal Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant. The total award of $55 million spans five years. The purpose of the CLSD Program is to advance literacy and pre-literacy skills for students from birth to grade 12, with emphasis on disadvantaged children, including children living in poverty, English learners, and children with disabilities. The Nebraska CLSD Program will support the NebraskaREADS initiative, which was launched in 2018 in response to the requirements and practices outlined in the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act.

The Nebraska CLSD Program will use a competitive sub granting process to carry out activities. Sub awards will be made to national and local partners, community organizations, and other collaboratives whose services align with our vision for a coherent system of literacy. NDE staff will use a rigorous evaluation process to ensure contracted services are of high quality, have a significant impact on evidence-based literacy practices, and build statewide capacity to meet our goals.

Nebraska's 1-3-5 Model

Nebraska Revised Statute 79-2607 requires the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) to establish a professional learning system related to evidence-based reading instruction. Both the Nebraska Literacy Project and the Nebraska CLSD Program utilize a 1-3-5 structure, which demonstrates one shared vision, three goals, and five tenets. Both initiatives have the same vision and tenets, along with strongly aligned subgoals that reflect their purpose.

Our Vision

To foster a culture of proficient and lifelong readers in Nebraska and unlock student potential for learning, earning, and living through a focus on evidence-based reading instruction. 

Our Goals


Increase third-grade proficiency on NSCAS ELA to 75% by 2030

Nebraska CLSD Sub Goals

  • Cohesion and alignment of statewide tools and resources, including an updated Nebraska Statewide Literacy Plan, supplementation Nebraska’s statewide regional coaching network, and expanding and aligning tools and resources to ensure families, caregivers, and early childhood education centers can equip literacy in the home.
  • Statewide teacher and leader training and preparation in structured literacy and the Science of Reading, encompassing strategies from early childhood through adult literacy.
  • Support the selection, implementation, and continuation of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and evidence-based practices to promote adequacy in resources for underserved students in early learning programs and school settings.


Our Tenets

Tenet 1

Professional Learning System

High quality professional development for all educators who teach literacy for students age 4 through 3rd grade grounded in the science of reading to ensure that educators have skills in evidence-based instructional practices

Tenet 2

Curriculum and Teacher Preparation Aligned to Evidence-based Reading Instruction

Sustained teacher preparation programs and PreK – 3 curriculum, instruction, and assessment grounded in the science of reading using high quality materials

Tenet 3

Regional Literacy Coaches

Establishment of a network of coaches across the state who are trained in the science of reading and evidence-based practices.  This network of coaches will provide sustained support services to Nebraska schools.

Tenet 4

Data Collections to Evaluate Effectiveness

Data collections measuring the effectiveness of literacy initiatives and implementation of professional development in evidence-based reading

Tenet 5

Family Literacy and PreK Programs

Development of resources to assist families in accessing local family literacy centers, existing community literacy initiatives, and prekindergarten programs in order to strengthen literacy and language development for young children so that they start kindergarten ready to thrive.

For more information, please contact:

Victoria Katzberg
Literacy Program Specialist
Allyson DenBeste
Academic Officer
Updated February 7, 2025 4:26pm