Nebraska Literacy Project

The Nebraska Literacy Project Plan was approved by the State Board of Education on February 7, 2025. The Nebraska Literacy Project Plan provides a framework for Nebraska educators and other stakeholders to work together to positively impact literacy for all Nebraska students.

Nebraska Revised Statute 79-2607 requires the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) to establish a professional learning system related to evidence-based reading instruction.

Our Vision

To foster a culture of proficient and lifelong readers in Nebraska and unlock student potential for learning, earning, and living through a focus on evidence-based reading instruction.

Our Goals

  1. Increase third grade proficiency on NSCAS ELA from to 75% by 2030.
  2. Increase the % of Nebraska K-3 students who meet the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act approved assessment thresholds.
  3. Ensure 100% of Nebraska educator preparation programs are implementing evidence-based instruction for teachers grounded in the science of reading.

For more information contact:

Allyson DenBeste

Academic Officer

Teaching, Learning & Assessment

500 S. 84th St., 2nd Floor

Lincoln, NE 68509


Updated February 7, 2025 2:17pm