Priority School Recommendations

Nebraska state law requires the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) to designate Priority Schools, those most in need of support to improve. As part of the Priority School process, each school has an annual review by the NDE and gives a presentation to the State Board of Education. During the May Work Session representatives from Loup County Public Schools and Santee Public Schools joined NDE staff for an update on their progress.

The NDE is recommending the removal of Loup County Elementary School from Priority School status based on progress made over the past three years in the areas of student achievement, student and staff culture, instructional leadership, and clear and compelling direction. The NDE is recommending that Santee Middle School remain on the Priority School list with significant revisions to their Progress Plan. In addition, the NDE recommends that Santee Elementary and Santee High School be designated as Priority Schools as part of a larger system-wide approach. The board is expected to vote on the recommendations in June.

Priority School Recommendations

Board Approves Assessment Contracts with NWEA, DRC, and ACT

The State Board of Education has approved a one-year extension for a contract with ACT to provide all juniors the ACT Plus Writing assessment as part of the Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS).  The Board also approved extensions for contracts with Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for the NSCAS alternate assessments and Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) for the NSCAS general assessments for 2019-2020.




Contract Approved for Direct Support

Board members approved a contract to directly support teachers and school leaders through the Nebraska Teacher and Principal Performance Framework and the Nebraska Leadership and Learning Network.

Teacher and school leader support contract

Funding Recommendations for CSI Schools Approved

The board approved funding recommendations for the federally-funded Support for Improvement plans for schools identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Nebraska’s ESSA plan indicates that schools will be designated for CSI every three years. CSI schools include the lowest-performing five percent of all schools receiving Title I funds and all public high schools in the state failing to graduate one third or more of their students. Twenty-seven Nebraska schools have been identified as CSI and have submitted plans for improvement.

Funding requests for CSI schools