State Board Report
January 2022
State Board of Education Elects Leadership for 2022
The Nebraska State Board of Education elected Patsy Koch Johns as president and Robin Stevens as vice president during the January board meeting.
Patsy Koch Johns was first elected to the State Board of Education in 2016 to represent District 1. Robin Stevens was first elected to the State Board of Education in 2018 to represent District 7.
Recognition of Newly Appointed Board Member
The board welcomed a new member this month. Kirk Penner was appointed by the Governor to the Nebraska State Board of Education. Penner will represent District 5. His appointment fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Patricia Timm in October 2021.
Penner is a business and community leader from Aurora with 16 years of experience on the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education.
Board Committee Revisions
The Board restructured the standing committees reducing the number from seven to four. The new committees include the Executive Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Planning and Evaluation Committee, and Rules and Regulations Committee.
State Board of Education Committees
Public Participation at Board Meetings
Board members voted to adopt new procedures regarding public comment in meetings. The State Board of Education recognizes its obligation to help the public understand the operation of the Department of Education. The Board is also aware of the need for communication with citizens to permit the public to make its wishes known. In an effort to provide a procedure for public comment while allowing the Board to conduct its meetings in an orderly and efficient manner, regular public comment will be up to two hours with each individual allowed five minutes. Board members have the opportunity to change those limits at any time.
Accept the Commissioner’s Proposed Plan for Use of the Remainder of American Rescue Plan (ESSER III) Funds
The Commissioner presented the NDE plan for the use of the remainder of the American Rescue Plan (ESSER III) funds as well as giving the board a comprehensive look at how federal funds have been used to date.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, February 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
A work session may be held on Thursday, February 3, 2022. Times will vary by month.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,