Why Not Be a Superhero?
Second Language Learning Makes Us Smarter
Language learning does make us super smart. Think about some of the commonalities of language teachers. Language teachers always teach other teacher’s content, reference other languages than the one they are teaching, and change like chameleons to blend from one surrounding to another. These are actually signs of enhanced mental ability.
Regardless of which language system is currently in use, both language systems stay active at all times in a bilingual brain. This allows us quicker access to a greater array of options in problem solving. Monolinguals are usually constrained to an established pattern of thinking. Bilinguals have the ability to transition into multiple, and at times, conflicting patterns of thinking.
Bilinguals are often more adept at noticing details. This Sherlock-like ability comes from the constant practice of having to track the languages used for meaning and content in order to respond appropriately in the right language at the right time.
Language learning should really be considered the equivalent of power training for the brain. Increasing brainpower enhances decision-making, critical thinking, and mental agility in all areas of life.