NILA Special Report NILA Conference Raises the Bar
The 2019 Nebraska International Languages Association Annual Conference convened Friday and Saturday October 11 and 12 at the University of Nebraska Kearney. Over 150 participants filled the Nebraskan Student Union during the two-day event.
Friday began with a workshop presentation, “Raising the Bar: Nebraska’s World Language Stanards”. Stephanie Call, Nebraska Department of Education World Language Specialist led the participants through a foundational discussion regarding the essential ingredients of language learning before presenting the 2019 standards. Discussion then turned to how the standards are reflected in current practice.
Saturday was a full day of sessions, vendors, and networking. Twenty-five presentations included student involvement, promoting proficiency, technology integration, and advocating for world languages. Saturday’s keynote was presented by Stephanie Call who shared her understanding of the standards through her professional experience as a 7-12 Spanish educator. During lunch, the NILA Board of Directors, the American Association of Teachers of German (Nebraska), the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (Nebraska) and the American Association of Teachers of French recognized their teachers of the year.
The 2020 NILA Annual Conference will be at Omaha South High School in October 2020.