Nebraska Association of Teachers of German Update
(Submitted by Pat Branson, Nebraska Association of Teachers of German)
Guten Tag! Grüß Gott!
Welcome to a new school year! The NATG board would love to challenge all German teachers to become a member of AATG/NATG this year. Remember—to be an NATG member, all you have to do is join AATG. We know some of you feel your PLC in your district is enough, but we encourage you to join us and participate in our activities this year! We’d love to see some new faces and have you share your great ideas with us!
Seeking Officers and Educator of the Year
Our nominating committee needs nominations for President-Elect and Secretary- Treasurer for the coming year. Terms start in January. President-elect transitions to president and then past-president. The term for secretary- treasurer is two years. Please contact Pat Branson ( if interested in running or to nominate someone.
NATG German Educator of the Year nominations are being sought. Information is on our website ( ). Any NATG member is eligible. The award will be presented at NILA in Kearney on Saturday, October 12.
NATG Fall Workshop Features Guest From ZfA
The NATG fall workshop is in the planning stages, but it looks like the date will be Saturday, November 2 in Omaha. Our guest will be Leeni Martinkari, the new “Beraterin für Deutschunterricht” from the Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA). We hope to have a good turn-out for this meeting! More info will be sent soon.