NATSP Announces Winning Posters
Nebraska Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (NATSP) entered two students into the AATSP Annual Poster Contest in the “Hand-Drawn” category. Aiden Lewald of Milliard North High School and Cristian Ryan de Castro Cartel of Alfonza W. Davis Middle School were selected to represent Nebraska’s high school and middle schools respectively. Cristian’s poster made it to the final judging and we are awaiting results. Winning entries will be revealed on the AATSP website. Congratulations to both of these very talented World Language artists. This year’s theme was “Spanish and Portuguese for a Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural World” or Español y Portugués para un mundo multilingüe y multicultural
Espanhol e Português para um mundo multilíngue e multicultural.
Be sure to look out for information for next year’s contest. The National contest deadline is in the spring (usually around March), but local school level contests can be held anytime during the school year. The contest is open to K-12 students of Spanish / Portuguese whose teachers are members of AATSP. Membership to the Nebraska chapter is free, but teachers must be members of the National AATSP to have posters entered into the contest.