Questions, Comments, or Corrections? Let us know!

Test Window 3: Return Test Booklets

Return test booklets, used answer documents, and test administration forms from the April 20, 2021 standard time test date to ACT.
Receipt deadline at ACT: April 27, 2021.
Note: Late-arriving answer documents will not be scored.

Test Window 3: Receive Test Materials

Week of April 12

Receive materials for testing, based on the receipt window selected in PearsonAccessnext.

Test Window 3: Enroll/Unenroll Students

Request to enroll / unenroll any new examinees by submitting the Enroll or Unenroll Students file in

Test Window 3: Order Test Material

Order standard time materials for use in Test Window 3, April 20, 2021, in PearsonAccessnext.

Order non-college reportable accommodations materials for use during Test Window 3, April 20 – 23, 2021 and April 26 -30, 2021, in PearsonAccessnext.

Order accommodations and/or supports materials by calling ACT Accommodations at 800.553.6244, ext. 1788.

Test Window 3: Create & Assign Test Sessions

Create and assign students to test sessions for April 20 -22, 2021 and April 27 – 29, 2021 online testing.

Test Window 2: Order Test Material

Order additional standard time materials for use in Test Window 2, April 6, 2021, in PearsonAccessnext.

Order non-college reportable materials for use during Test Window 2, April 6 – 9, 2021 and April 12 – 16, 2021, in PearsonAccessnext.

Order accommodations and/or supports materials by calling ACT Accommodations at 800.553.6244, ext. 1788.

Test Window 2: Return Other Test Material

Return test booklets, used answer documents, and test administration forms from the April 6 – 9, 2021 and April 12 -16, 2021 testing window—accommodations and/or supports or online testing.
Receipt deadline at ACT: April 23, 2021.
Note: Late-arriving answer documents will not be scored.

Test window 2: Receive Test Materials

Week of March 29, 2021

Receive testing materials, based on the receipt window selected in PearsonAccessnext.

Test Window 2: Return Test Material

Return test booklets, used answer documents, and test administration forms from the April 6, 2021 standard time test date to ACT.
Receipt deadline at ACT: April 16, 2021.
Note: Late-arriving answer documents will not be scored.

Test Window 2: Create & Assign Test Sessions

Create and assign students to test sessions for April 6 – 8, 2021 and April 13 – 15, 2021 online testing.

Test Window 1: Return March 23 Test Booklets

Return test booklets, used answer documents, and test administration forms from the March 23, 2021 standard time test date to ACT.
Receipt deadline at ACT: March 30, 2021.
Note: Late-arriving answer documents will not be scored.

Test Window 1: Return Other Test 1 Materials

Return test booklets, used answer documents, and test administration forms from the March 23 – 26, 2021, March 29 – 31, 2021 and April 1 – 2, 2021 testing window—accommodations and/or supports or online testing to ACT.
Receipt deadline at ACT: April 9, 2021.
Note: Late-arriving answer documents will not be scored.

Early Receipt of Materials Test Window 1

Will receive materials for testing, based on the receipt window selected in PearsonAccessnext.

Late Receipt of Materials Test Window 1

Will receive materials for testing, based on the receipt window selected in PearsonAccessnext.

Test Window 2: Enroll/Unenroll Students

Request to enroll / unenroll any new examinees by submitting the Enroll or Unenroll Students file in