No member of the State Board of Education shall use or authorize the use of personnel, resources, property, or funds under his or her official care and control other than in accordance with prescribed constitutional, statutory, and regulatory procedures or use such items, other than reimbursement provided by law, for personal financial gain.
Any use of public resources by a State Board member which is incidental or de minimus shall not constitute a violation of this policy.
No member of the State Board of Education shall use or authorize the use of public resources for the purpose of campaigning for or against the nomination or election of a candidate or the qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot questions, except as provided in Neb. Rev. Stat. 49-14,101.02.
Violators of this policy shall be subject to a vote of censure by the Board. This policy, however, does not otherwise prohibit or impair the expression of individual opinions.