Appendix J – High School Strategies Example
Counselors will:
- Actively target and enroll poor and underrepresented-ethnicity students for recruitment into college prep courses.
- Assist in setting up a monitoring system to assess student performance and provide services where needed.
- Involve families in students’ academic planning, course selections, and options regarding postsecondary choices.
Teachers will:
- Implement successful instruction using high standards, latest research, technology, cooperative learning, and high-level thinking skills.
- Actively seek professional growth experiences.
- Strive for partnerships with parents regarding students’ academic experience.
- Use assessments and other data on a regular basis to analyze and improve students’ learning.
Administrators will:
- Set up a system to monitor progress toward increasing the numbers of poor and underrepresented-ethnicity students who enter postsecondary institutions.
- Evaluate teachers and counselors in ways that recognize improvements in using assessments to guide student progress toward preparing for education and work after graduation.
- Facilitate structuring time for staff development related to the plan’s objectives.
- Promote collaboration between teachers, counselors, administrators, students, and parents to meet the plan’s objectives.
- Analyze student achievement data with staff and use data for improvement of student learning.
Students will:
- Demonstrate increased awareness of and enrollment in the required courses needed to meet their future career aspirations.
- Use a variety of vehicles to voice their ideas and concerns in the school reform process.
- Feel capable of achieving at high levels and know that their individual aspirations are important.
- Attend school regularly and on time.
- Participate more in school activities.
- Decrease involvement in incidents that lead to suspensions, expulsions, and other disciplinary actions.
Parents and communities will:
- Use a variety of vehicles to voice their ideas and concerns in the school reform process.
- Show an increase in knowledge of courses their children should be enrolled in to reach their college and career aspirations.
- Become informed advocates for closing the achievement gap.
- Participate in and encourage their child’s educational growth.
1Permission to use has been granted from Johnson, R. S. (2002). Using data to close the achievement gap: How to measure equity in our schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.