June 13, 2019


Please log onto your portal accounts and go to the “My Profile” tab and check to make sure your contact information (especially the email address) is up to date.  It is very important to keep this information updated as the Department of Education uses the email address that is in the users’ Portal account to send vital information.  Thank you!!


New ADVISER Validation Error #732

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (888-285-0556 or ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org)

For Public and Special Purpose Schools

Error #732:  Special Education Student Exiting With School Enrollment Record “Not Enrolled, Eligible to Return” Needs Valid Special Education Exit Record.

Special Education Student has exited with a School Enrollment record with a 205 “Not Enrolled, Eligible to Return” code.  A Special Education record will need to be reported for this student with an Reason Exited of (Part B) SPED07– Dropped Out OR (Part C) SPED09 – Withdrawn by Parent, SPED17 – Attempts to contact parents unsuccessful or SPED12-14 (Part C).  Possible corrective actions:  1) Report a Special Education Record with valid exit code; 2) Report a valid School Enrollment record for the situation.


Three New ADVISER Validation Errors/Infos #’s 733, 734 & 735

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (888-285-0556 or ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org)

Critical Error 733: Invalid NDE Staff ID in Evaluator 1 Staff ID Override Field

A Staff ID published in the “Evaluator 1 Staff ID” staff override field in a Final Grade record is not a valid ID recognized by the NDE Staff ID system.  Please update this ID in the Grade record.

Info 734: No Course Sections Reported at a School

No Student Section Enrollment records have been reported at a school that has at least one student enrolled in that location during the school year.  If this is a special purpose school this may be normal and does not necessarily indicate a problem.  This list is provided for your information only.

Info 735: No Absences Reported at a School

No School Attendance Event records (absences) have been reported at a school that has at least one student enrolled in the school during this school year.  This may be normal and does not necessarily indicate a problem.  This list is provided for your information only.


New ADVISER Validation Portal Access Codes Available

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (888-285-0556 or ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org)

In the next week an update to the ADVISER Validation website will be released that will remove your access to reports and errors that contain Special Education, FRL, and/or Discipline data unless you have added the NDE Portal activation codes that gives you access to these items.  The three new ADVISER Validation activation codes for SPED, FRL, and Discipline access are available to administrators in the District Admin tab within the NDE portal now.  If you need access to review this data, please talk to your district administrator to get these additional activation codes now before the ADVISER Validation website is updated if you don’t want to lose access.  Users must add these codes in addition to the existing “District User” code that is already assigned.  Additional Discipline reports will be added to the Validation website after the update.


New Reports Available in ADVISER Validation

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (888-285-0556 or ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org)

These reports are now available for 2018-2019 data in the Student Verification Reports in ADVISER Validation:

  • Student Grades and Courses > Delivery Model Counts
  • Student Grades and Courses > Dual Credit Counts
  • Career Education > Programs of Study Courses – this data is built nightly

In addition, a new subreport has been added within the Membership and Attendance > Calendar Details report. You may click on the link where you see the total number of students enrolled in a calendar, and this will pull up the list of student enrollments tied to that calendar.


2017-2018 NSSRS Post School Survey UploadOPEN:  May 2 – DUE DATE:  June 15 AUDIT WINDOW CLOSE DATE: June 30

Contact: NDE Helpdesk (ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org or 888-285-0556)

Public Schools Only

The 2017-2018 Post School Survey collection is a standalone collection for this year only.  The collection can be found in the NDE Portal under the Data Collections tab.  An activation code is required to add the collection to an NDE Portal account.  This collection replaces the file upload process that was previously submitted in the NSSRS Data Manager.

Districts will use the same file format that has been used in past years and upload that file in this collection.  The Post School Survey template is submitted during the 2018-2019 School Year for the 2017-2018 Career Education Concentrator graduates.  The report of the students that should be included in this template is located in the NSSRS Validations for 2017-2018.  The report that includes the students to be reported is located in the Verification Reports, change the date to 2018-06-30, Student, Career Education section; Post School Survey – Completers with Diploma.

UPDATE:  Most school districts have been uploaded if they have submitted files.  Please check the reports in NSSRS Validation, Student, Career Education, Post Graduate Activity; Students Missing Post Graduate Activity.

To comply with the accountability requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, states will need to report on the secondary and postsecondary placement outcomes of all graduates concentrating in a career and technical education (CTE) program area.  This Post School survey is how Nebraska acquires the data to report for our state.


2018-2019 AQuESTT Evidence-Based Analysis (EBA)DUE DATE:  June 30

Contact:  nde.aquestt@nebraska.gov

All public school systems are required to complete the 2018-2019 AQuESTT Evidence-Based Analysis (EBA) as part of the Annual Statistical Summary as directed by the Commissioner pursuant to Section 79-528(2). The EBA for both public districts and schools will be web-based, as it was in the 2017-2018 school year, and is currently available on the NDE Portal. The EBA is designed to provide information in support of AQuESTT classification processes, which will inform continuous improvement efforts. School administrators should work with school staff to complete and submit the EBA by June 30, 2019. Please review these instructions and FAQs regarding completion of the EBA through the Portal collection. Additionally, these short videos walk you through retrieving the AQuESTT EBA district activation code(s), or school activation code(s).


NSSRS Validation Staff Verification Report

Teachers Assigned Out of Endorsed Area or Level

Contact:   NDE Helpdesk (ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org or 888-285-0556)

The Teachers Assigned Out Of Endorsed Area or Level report is now available for 2018-2019 in NSSRS Validation on the NDE Portal.

For public districts this report is built nightly from ADVISER course sections and grades data.  Please note that if you are publishing the “Evaluator 1 Staff ID” data element to override the Staff ID of the primary teacher on a course, that data element is not submitted to ADVISER until your “Final” type course grades have been published.  The course section and grades data published to ADVISER can be reviewed using the verification reports within the ADVISER Validation website.

UPDATE:  For nonpublic systems, this report is using the data reported to NDE on the Nonpublic Curriculum and looking at the teacher’s endorsements from their certificate.



CTE Participant Data Now Available in ADVISER

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org)

Public and Special Purpose Schools Only

Career and Technical Education Participant data in ADVISER is now being automatically derived from the course data submitted for the 2018-2019 school year.  This data can now be found in the ADVISER Validation website in the Student Lookup By ID, Programs Lookup, and the Career Ed Verification report.

This derived data will be rebuilt nightly based on the state course code of the sections that students are enrolled in, and it will be combined with any CTE Participant program data that was submitted by a district manually through their SIS.  Reminder – districts must still submit CTE program data for Concentrators from their SIS in 2018-2019, this data is not automatically derived.


Updated Due Date for ADVISER Discipline Reporting for 2018-2019 School Year

Contact: NDE Helpdesk (ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org)

Public and Special Purpose Schools Only

The 2018-2019 Year-end reporting for ADVISER Discipline reporting is due June 15 with the Audit Window Close Date of June 30.

For 2018-2019 only, NDE has added this to the “2018-2019 Follow-up collection” (due October 15, 2019, Audit Window Close Date of October 31, 2019) to allow districts additional time to complete this reporting.  Districts can continue to update 2018-2019 Discipline data in their SIS over the summer and into the fall as we complete this first year of student-level discipline reporting.

Reminder:  The discipline reporting for 2018-2019 school year will come from your Student Information System (SIS) to ADVISER.

Special Education Discipline (Portal/Data Collections tab) and the Report of Suspensions/Expulsions (CDC) are no longer used to reported discipline data.  All reporting comes from your SIS.  The “Assurances for 79-263(1)” still needs to be completed in the Report of Suspensions/Expulsions in the CDC.


Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) collectionsOPEN:  May 1 – DUE DATE:  June 15


Annual Participation Report

Title I Part A School-wide Projects and/or Targeted Assistance Schools; Title I Part A Funded Staff; Neglected/Delinquent; Homeless – Unaccompanied.

Collection completed by Public – DUE June 15

For more information, contact Beth Wooster – beth.wooster@nebraska.gov (402) 471-2452 or

Diane Stuehmer – diane.stuehmer@nebraska.gov (402) 471-1740


Days In Session/Instructional Program Hours

Days in session by grade.

Instructional program Hours –KG, Elem & Sec. Also included in this collection are Pre-K instructional hours for public district/system operated early childhood education programs by attendance site.

Days In Session and Instructional Program Hours Collection completed by Nonpublic – DUE June 15

Only Instructional Program Hours section of Collection completed by Public, Special Purpose

For more information on Days In Session, contact Bryce Wilson – bryce.wilson@nebraska.gov (402) 471-4320

For information on Pre-Kindergarten, Tammi Hicken – tammi.hicken@nebraska.gov (402) 471-3184

For information on Instructional Program Hours, Brad Conner – brad.conner@nebraska.gov (402) 471-4355


ESU/District/System/School Information Report

Collects demographic data for ESUs, Districts, Systems and Schools for the next school year.

Collection completed by Public, Nonpublic, Special Purpose, ESU and Interim – DUE June 15

NEW ITEM FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS ONLY:  Grade levels are identified for Elementary/Middle School for AQuESTT if applicable.

For more information, contact Ginny Carter – ginny.carter@nebraska.gov (402) 471-2369


Nebraska Education Profile (NEP) Information

Collects district and school information and Improvement Goals and Graduation Requirements.

Collection completed by Public – DUE June 15

NEW ITEM:  Now collects grade level used for NAI reporting.

Please review carefully has this collections has had some changes this year.

For more information, NDE Helpdesk – ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org  (888) 285-0556


Nonpublic High School Completer Report

The Nonpublic Completer Report is for each nonpublic system that has the potential of serving students in grade 12.

Collection completed by Nonpublic – DUE June 15

For more information, contact NDE Helpdesk – ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org (888) 285-0556


Pupil Transportation Report

Transportation/Bus Information.

Collection completed by Public, Nonpublic, Special Purpose, ESU – DUE June 15

For more information, contact Janice Eret – Janice.eret@nebraska.gov (402) 471-2248


Report of Suspensions/Expulsions

Suspension/Expulsions (Including Firearm Expulsions)

Collection completed by Public, Nonpublic, Special Purpose – DUE June 15

NEW THIS YEAR FOR PUBLIC AND SPECIAL PURPOSE SCHOOLS ONLY:  Suspension/Expulsion data comes directly from the SIS.  Only the Assurances need to be checked.

For more information, contact NDE Helpdesk – ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org (888) 285-0556


Substitute Teachers

Collects all substitute teachers by name, their NDE Staff ID, and the number of days taught.

Collection completed by Public, Nonpublic, Special Purpose, ESU and Interim – DUE June 15

For more information, contact NDE Helpdesk – ADVISERHelp@nebraskacloud.org (888) 285-0556



SPED IDEA Consolidated Application (GMS)OPENED: May 29 – CLOSE: July 19

Contact:  Susie Pierce (402-471-4333 or suzie.pierce@nebraska.gov)


The 2019-2020 SPED IDEA Consolidated application is scheduled to open in the GMS Wednesday, May 29 with a due date of July 19 (11:59 p.m. CDT). Check the GMS logon page for any updates https://nde.mtwgms.org/NDEGMSWebv02/logon.aspx.



IDEA Maintenance of Fiscal Effort (MOE) Eligibility Standard for Special Education

OPEN NOW – CLOSE:  July 19

Contact: Pete Biaggio (402-471-4308 or pete.biaggio@nebraska.gov)

School district eligibility for receipt of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Part B) funds are contingent upon maintaining fiscal effort from year to year.  Districts are to report within this application estimated special education expenditures, receipts, and resident child counts to establish eligibility for the receipt IDEA Part B funds through the Grant Management system (GMS) during the 2019-2020 school year.



2019-2020 SPED Planning Region Team (PRT) GrantDUE:  August 1

Contact: Cole Johnson (402-471-4318 or cole.johnson@nebraska.gov)

The 2019-2020 SPED Planning Region Team (PRT) Grant application is open in the GMS.  Due to NDE August 1.