State Board Report
September 2022
Millard Public Schools Presentation
Millard Public Schools representatives presented to the State Board on their Early College Program. This program allows students the opportunity to earn an Associate of Arts degree from Metropolitan Community College while earning a high school diploma. This degree will transfer to the University of Nebraska-Omaha to fulfill many of the general education requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree.
Millard Public Schools Early College Program
Nebraska Teacher Shortage Summit
The State Board received a report from organizers of the Nebraska Teacher Shortage Summit. The presenters described what the focus of the summit was and the discussions that were held. Board members also received recommendations on ways to help reduce the teachers shortage in Nebraska including increasing pathways to teaching and improving the workplace for current educators.
Nebraska Teacher of the Year Report
Nebraska’s Teacher of the Year Lee Perez spoke to the board on his work this year. Perez started his presentation talking about becoming a father. His daughter was born on June 3. Perez then filled the board in on his trip to Washington D.C. with the other Teachers of the Year across the country and his chance to meet First Lady Jill Biden. Perez also had the opportunity to attend NASA’s Space Camp with his colleagues.
Annual Presentation from the President of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education (NCTE)
The Nebraska Council on Teacher Education is an advisory body to the State Board of Education. They develop and recommend standards related to approval of Nebraska teacher education programs, teaching endorsements, and issuance of educator certificates.
School Safety and Security Program Grant
The School Safety and Security Program plans to expand the capacity of Nebraska Department of Education to provide training and technical assistance to local educational agencies so they may produce and maintain high-quality Emergency Operations Plans, violence prevention education, and threat assessment processes.
School Safety and Security Grant
Afghan Refugee School Impact Supplements Federal Grant
The Nebraska Department of Education received a two-year Afghan Refugee School Impact Supplements Federal Grant Award which allows the state to assist schools who are seeing the arrival of Afghan refugees. Schools will be able to assist families with translation, transportation, and educational services.
Afghan Refugee School Impact Grant
Nebraska’s College & Career Ready Standards for Mathematics Approved
Nebraska Statute requires the Nebraska State Board of Education to adopt measurable academic content standards in the subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. Nebraska content area standards reflect the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn in a given content area. The statute requires the State Board to review and update the standards every seven years. Board members approved the revised Nebraska’s College and Career Standards for Mathematics.
Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, October 7, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
A work session may be held on Thursday, October 6, 2022. Times will vary by month.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,