State Board Report
October 2022
Support for Postsecondary Attainment Goal
In April 2022, the Nebraska Legislature’s Education Committee was joined by educational stakeholders across the state to set forth a bold postsecondary attainment goal: At least seventy percent of 25- to 34-year old Nebraskans have a degree, certificate, diploma, or other postsecondary or industry-recognized credential with economic value by 2030. Board members voted unanimously to support LR335, and calls for next steps in achieving the resolution.
Accept the Resignation of Commissioner Matthew Blomstedt
Nebraska Commissioner of Education Matthew Blomstedt announced he will be stepping down from his position effective January 3, 2023. He has served as the Commissioner of Education for almost 9 years since being named on January 2, 2014. The State Board officially accepted his resignation. The commissioner is chosen by the elected Board of Education and now board members will start the process to find a successor. As part of that process, the State Board designated Deputy Commissioner Deborah Frison to fulfill the duties of the commissioner until the next commissioner is hired. The board also created an Ad Hoc committee to begin the process of searching for the next Commissioner of Education and will provide reports to the full board on the process.
Ad Hoc Search Committee Report
School Mental Health Project Renewal
In August 2021, the State Board of Education approved a proposal to offer support to all 244 Schools Districts across Nebraska in their efforts to better support the mental health needs of students and school staff. Projected outcomes from this project would be that students and school staff will have their mental health supported and offered resources if needed, and that students will receive education around mental health and ways to support their own, and others’, mental health. The board voted to renew funding for this project.
Educator Shortage Grant Increase
Board members voted to increase the approved Educator Shortage Grant for ESU 6 & ESU 9 to include the development of a regionally focused education and training program of study and expansion of EdRising.
Department’s Deficit Budget Request
The Board voted in favor of submitting a deficit budget request to the State Budget Division for consideration. The request includes increases for the NDE budget for the current biennium.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, November 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
A work session may be held on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Times will vary by month.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,