State Board Report
February 2022
Career and Technical Education Month Recognition
February is Career Technical Education Month. CTE is offered in every high school across the state and CTE students perform at higher rates than their peers. Two exceptional students were honored before the board for being national champions in their fields. The students also presented to the board on their experiences and the benefits of CTE.
Expanded Learning Opportunity Innovation Network
The board approved a contract with Beyond School Bells to continue implementation of the Expanded Learning Opportunity Innovation Network. The program provides resources and opportunities to Local Education Agencies and consortiums to support the development, expansion, and investment in innovative best practices. The projects and efforts range from personalized learning, career academies, afterschool design network, and digital ecosystem development.
Approved Reading Assessments
The Nebraska Reading Improvement Act went into effect in 2019, requiring school districts to administer a Nebraska Department of Education approved reading assessment three times each year for all students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. The NDE makes public the list of reading assessments that have been approved for the following academic school year and the threshold level of performance for each assessment. Board members approved the reading assessments for 2022-2023 and the threshold level of performance for each assessment.
Approved Reading Assessments Report
2022 Board Positions on Proposed State Legislation
The board discussed new bills involving education proposed in the Nebraska Legislature this year. The board is recommending support of 14 bills and opposition to 3 bills. There are several bills the legislative committee suggested monitoring further.
State Board of Education Legislative Priorities
American Rescue Plan (ESSER III) Funds Plan
The board discussed the remaining plans for ESSER III funds. Ultimately board members voted to approve the plan with teh understanding that there could be revisions at a later time.
Content Area Standards Recommendations
The Ad Hoc Committee on Standards Formations and Processes was formed at the November State Board Meeting to review the Nebraska Department of Education standards processes. The Committee presented five recommendations.
- The Board improve the makeup and operation of Standing Committees.
- The Board define the role of the Board in the Standards Processes.
- The Board continue to work on the standards development process through the Planning and Evaluation Committee.
- NDE enlist the services of a consultant.
- The Board approve content standards for all subject matter areas.
The Ad Hoc Committee further recommends that the board review the progress made on each recommendation at the January 2023 meeting of the State Board of Education.
Board members are planning to vote on the recommendations in March.
Amend the Previously Adopted Motion to Postpone the Development of Health Education Standards
The board discussed a motion to permanently reject the proposed Health Education Standards. Board members discussed the entire standards process up to this point. The majority of the board wanted to continue the standard development process. The board voted 7-1 against the motion.
Adopt a Policy on Local Control of Non-Required Standards
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, March 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
A work session may be held on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Times will vary by month.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,