State Board Report
April 2023
Month of the Military Child Presentation
Each year, Nebraska schools serve thousands of students whose parents serve in the military. Since November 2021, the NDE has recognized public schools and non-public schools as Purple Star Schools to denote the special efforts the schools have undertaken to support the unique needs of military-concerned children.
To elevate practices for better serving military-connected children and their families, board members created a resolution that proclaims April the “Month of the Military Child.” The resolution honors the sacrifices of military service members, their families, and children, and calls on the NDE to continue providing resources for schools to better service military-connected students. The resolution also proclaims April 14 as “Purple Up!” day and encourages all members of the community to show their support of military-connected youth and families on that day.
Month of the Military Child and PurpleUp Resolution
Nebraska Teacher of the Year Quarterly Report
2023 Nebraska Teacher of the Year Renee Jones filled the board in on her year so far. She has presented at dozens of speaking engagements across the state. She filled the board in on what she has heard from schools and teachers during her travels including successes and concerns. She also previewed a few big national events on the schedule including Washington Week and a trip to Space Camp.
Milken Educator Award Presentation
A Nebraska educator was recently honored with the Milken Educator Award. Lisa Moody, a special education teacher from Jefferson Elementary in Omaha was surprised in January at her school. She presented to the board on the work she does everyday in the classroom and success stories from her school. Moody officially received her Milken Educator Award from the State Board.
Commissioner Contract with Dr. Brian Maher
The board approved a contract to make Dr. Brian Maher the Nebraska Commissioner of Education. The contract will run through June 2026.
Support for Improvement Funding for Comprehensive Support for Improvement schools
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that each state identify schools for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI). CSI schools are the lowest 5% of Title I schools, any public high school with a graduation rate lower than 67%, and any public school with at least one student group consistently performing at or below the lowest 5% of Title I schools.
Support for Improvement Rationale
Comprehensive Support for Improvement Schools
Arts NOW Grant Program
The Nebraska Arts Council (NAC) granted the Nebraska Department of Education’s Office of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment a total amount of $180,000 for the creation and administration of an Arts NOW Grant Project to provide project funds to school districts to help them achieve excellence in arts education while implementing Nebraska’s Fine Arts Education Standards. The Arts NOW Grant is a partnership between the Nebraska Arts Council and in turn their partner, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.
Youth Tobacco Project
The Nebraska Department of Education will partner with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on a three-year agreement that will allow the NDE to support a fulltime position to manage and coordinate youth tobacco prevention programs, education, and resources as part of Office of Coordinated Student Support Services.
The primary goal for this contract will work to support the objectives of the DHHS tobacco prevention program to educate youth on tobacco prevention and cessation efforts via classroom teachers and support schools in implementing evidence-based youth tobacco prevention supports within school environments.
NAESP Academy
Board members approved a contract with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) for facilitation of their Pre-K through grade 3 Leadership Academy. The NAESP Pre-K -Grade 3 Leadership Academy is for Principals and other administrators of school districts, directors of Head Start programs and owners/directors of community child care programs to increase their knowledge and abilities to lead programs for young children.
NAESP Contract
21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Grant Program
The Nebraska 21st CCLC grant program currently provides afterschool programming at 142 sites serving K-12 students in 38 communities. These programs create an afterschool environment focused on three overarching goals: improving overall student academic success, increasing positive behavior and social interactions, and increasing active and meaningful family and community engagement.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, May 5, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
A work session may be held on Thursday, May 4, 2023. Times will vary by month.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,