Hop Skip & Jump!

Thematic Unit Title:  

Hop, Skip & Jump!

Subject: Sports
Goals: 1. Communicate in Languages Other than English
4. Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
5. Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
Standards: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3 Students convey information, concepts, and ideas to listeners and readers for a variety of purposes.
4.2 Students recognize that cultures use different patterns of interaction and can apply this knowledge to their own culture.
5.1 Students apply language skills and cultural knowledge within and beyond the school setting.
Contexts\Outcomes: Students convey and acquire information, exchange information and opinions, compare and contrast cultural similarities in sports using technology and other resources including real-life experiences.
Progress Indicators Goal 1:
Progress Indicators Goal 2:  

1.1A Express basic needs.
Elaborate on needs.
1.1C Express state of being.
Create simple descriptions within a context.
1.1D Express likes and dislikes.
Qualify likes and dislikes.
1.1E Express agreement and disagreement.
Support opinions.
1.1G Ask and answer simple questions.
Provide and request clarification.
1.1H Make and respond to simple requests.
Give and follow directions in a familiar context.
1.2A Respond appropriately to directions, instructions, and commands.
Respond appropriately to a series of directions, instructions, and commands.
1.2B Make an identification based on simple oral and/or written descriptors.
Respond appropriately to complex oral and/or written descriptors.
1.2E Identify aural, visual, and context clues.
Use aural, visual, and context clues to derive meaning.
1.3A Give directions, commands, and instructions.
Explain a process based on prior knowledge and/or experience.
1.3B Give a description orally and in writing using simple phrases.
Give a description orally and in writing using complex sentences.
1.3D Summarize main idea of selected authentic and/or contextualized material.
Interpret information from authentic material to an audience.
1.3E Present prepared material to an audience.
Speak or write spontaneously.

Progress Indicators Goal 3:
Progress Indicators Goal 4:  

4.2A Identify the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture using evidence from authentic sources.
Analyze the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student’s own culture using evidence from authentic sources.
4.2C Identify the contributions of the target culture(s) to the student’s own culture.
Identify the impact of the contributions of the target culture(s) on the student’s own culture.

Progress Indicators Goal 5:  

5.1A Identify the target language in the student’s daily life.
Share knowledge of target language with others.
5.1B Locate connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, and authentic sources.
Establish connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, and authentic sources.
5.1C Locate resources in the community to research the target culture.
Use resources in the community to research the target culture.

Essential Skills\Knowledge:  

Topic specific vocabulary (related to sports and equipment)
Command forms of relevant verbs
Knowledge of cultural practices
Knowledge of presentation/multimedia technology such as PowerPoint or Hyperstudio

Assessments: Tests
Written Projects:
Students keep daily logs of sports activities meeting specific criteria.
Students survey school student body about sports activities meeting specific criteria.
Students create a collage of sports activities meeting specific criteria.
Oral Presentations:
Student groups conduct an aerobic class in the target language meeting specific rubric criteria.
Students groups plan and perform a sports skit meeting specific rubric criteria.
Students in the class participate in a hike through the woods communicating only in the target language meeting specific checklist criteria.
Final Project:
Students groups plan and create a multimedia sports project meeting specific portfolio criteria.
Instructional Strategies:  

Individual Activities:
Students complete crosswords and word searches to reinforce vocabulary development.
Students keep daily logs of sports activities.
Pair Activities:
Student pairs search the Internet for sports information from the target culture.
Student pairs survey school student body about sports activities.
Student pairs create a collage of sports activities.
Graphic Organizer:
Students use a graphic organizer to compare, contrast, and analyze student body survey information.
Cooperative Learning:
Student groups apply teamwork to complete sports games.
Student groups conduct an aerobic class in the target language.
Students groups plan and perform a sports skit.
Students groups plan and create a multimedia sports project.
Class Activity:
Students hike through the woods communicating only in the target language.

Resources: Textbook
Library resources
Community resources
Other Resources: Computer Resources (i.e. CD-ROM programs and other software with sports information)
Updated December 27, 2019 8:15am