And the Grand Prize Is a Free Trip to…

Thematic Unit Title:  

And The Grand Prize Is A Free Trip To…

Subject: Travel
Goals: 1. Communicate in Languages Other than English
2. Gain knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
5. Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
Standards: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.3 Students convey information, concepts, and ideas to listeners and readers for a variety of purposes.
2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and practices of cultures studied and use this knowledge to interact effectively in cultural contexts.
5.1 Students apply language skills and cultural knowledge within and beyond the school setting.
Contexts\Outcomes: Students engage in conversations, convey information, demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and practices of traveling in the target culture, and apply language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the school setting.
Progress Indicators Goal 1:
Progress Indicators Goal 2:  

1.1A Express basic needs.
Elaborate on needs.
1.1B Express basic courtesies.
Incorporate appropriate gestures into conversations.
1.1C Express state of being.
1.1F Respond to one-on-one interactions.
Exchange information with peers and others.
1.1G Ask and answer simple questions.
Provide and request clarification.
1.3A Give directions, commands, and instructions.
1.3E Present prepared material to an audience.
Speak or write spontaneously.
2.1A Identify and react to cultural perspectives and practices in the culture studied.
Describe and analyze cultural characteristics and behaviors of everyday life.
2.1B Recognize and interpret language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture.
Produce language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture.

Progress Indicators Goal 3:
Progress Indicators Goal 4:
Progress Indicators Goal 5:  

5.1A Identify the target language in the student’s daily life.
Share knowledge of target language with others.
Interact appropriately in the target language in real- life situations.
5.1B Locate connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, and authentic sources.

Essential Skills\Knowledge:  

Topic specific vocabulary (relating to travel, places, clothes, luggage, tickets, transportation, hotels, emergencies)
Relevant verbs
Asking and responding to questions
Geographical background information

Assessments: Vocabulary Quizzes
Written Project:
Students keep a travel journal meeting checklist criteria.
Students write letters home about adventures on the trip meeting checklist criteria.
Students create travel brochures meeting specified criteria.
Students create travel video “How To Plan A Trip” meeting rubric criteria.
Oral Presentations:
Students act out travel problems meeting specified criteria.
Students plan and perform an adventure encountered on their trip meeting rubric criteria.
Instructional Strategies:  

Individual Activities:
Students use available resources to research travel information for the target country.
Students keep a travel journal beginning with the planning stages and ending with return home.
Students write letters home about adventures on the trip.
Pair Activities:
Students create travel brochures including tourist attractions and daily life.
Students create travel video “How To Plan A Trip” including purpose, packing, transportation, hotels, activities, places of interest, phrases needed to communicate, etc.
Cooperative Learning:
Students act out travel problems encountered on a trip to the target country.
Students plan and perform an adventure encountered on their trip.

Resources: Textbook
Library resources
Other Resources:
Updated December 27, 2019 8:09am