World Language Standards Update: August 2019
Editors met in July to review the results from the Public Input Survey that was available from May to June. In response to the results of the survey, the language of the indicators was clarified to provide more clear and specific learning targets. Specific examples were also provided to support focus groups of language for heritage speakers and for classical languages.
The final draft of the standards was presented at the August meeting of the Nebraska State School Board for a first review. Two individuals spoke during the State Board’s public commentary period. Mary Lea Free, Spanish teacher at Norris Public School, read a statement of support from colleague Jacqueline Mohr, Syacuse Dunbar Avoca Schools. Mrs. Mohr wrote, “With the adoption of these standards, the Nebraska Department of Education is ensuring the world language education in the state remains one of the top in the nation while producing students who are 21st Century global learners.” Mrs. Free added, “The proficiency levels are well explained. They use a common knowledge that all of our teachers in Nebraska will relate to and use in the classroom.” Rebecca Gill Rose, Bennet Palmyra Public Schools Spanish teacher, presented to the Board that, “Today’s world language classroom is about real-world production of language and global awareness. These proposed standards speak to this.”
It is hoped that the State Board will adopt the standards at the September 2019 meeting. The final draft can be accessed on the World Language website.