World Language Standards FAQs: A Conversation with the WL Specialist

The 2019 World Language Standards have been in place less than a week but there are many excited to know more about the document and the process. Below are some of the questions that have been asked regarding the new Nebraska World Language Standards. Got a question? Email

What do the standards tell teachers to teach?
The Nebraska World Language Standards do not determine vocabulary, grammar, cultural content, or other static concepts. Instead, the standards focus on what students do with the language. These are proficiency-based standards, meaning students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills they learn in the world language classroom.

When will teachers be expected to create new curriculum?
There is no immediate pressure to create new curriculum. The Frameworks Implementation Guide suggests using this year to evaluate the curriculum that is in place. A comparison of the current curriculum and the standards may, or may not, reveal areas in need of strengthening. Once a thorough assessment is completed, districts will better know if a new curriculum or resource materials would be beneficial.

Why did ‘cognition’ replace ‘comparisons’ as one of the ‘Five C’s’ or world language strands?
The team decided that comparisons is inherent in everything. We compare products, perspectives, and practices in order to make meaning. We compare language as we learn structure. Eventually, we decided that it is a process that belonged in our indicators for every key area. As for the cognition piece, several members of the team brought experience with LinguaFolio, integrated performance assessments, or metacognitive research. We decided that this was a component that had to be included. Much of our state-wide community has long worked on what the teacher should do in the classroom. What better way to drive home the “I Can” than to make it a standard?