UNO OLLAS Offers ArteLatinx High School Poster Competition
The ArteLatinX Committee, in collaboration with El Museo Latino in Omaha, present the 2019 state-wide LatinX high school poster competition. This competition is a component of a larger Nebraska art exhibition during
Hispanic Heritage month in fall 2019. The mission of ArteLatinX is to create a biennial art exhibition bringing together LatinX artists from all of Nebraska to express this year’s motto/lema “The voices of our roots”/“La voz de nuestras raíces” in a variety of art forms. The deadline for submission is March 25, 2019. Details and flyers are available upon request from Alina Lopez, Community Engagement Coordinator in the Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) at UNO, or 402-554-3835. Web site: