Meet the NILA Board of Directors
Some of the NILA Board members pose after the NILA Fall Conference. Top row (L-R): Shanna Hellerich, Alicia Dallman Shoemaker, Second row (L-R): Terri Wright, Will West, Front row (L-R): Katy Cattlett, Janet Eckerson, Cara Heminger
At the Fall Conference, NILA confirms and/or appoints its officers for the Board of Directors. NILA President Shanna Hellerich passed her gavel to Alicia Dallman Shoemaker. As president, Ms. Hellerich organized and led meetings of NILA’s governing board, led workshops, and participated in the revision process of the World Language Standards. Ms. Hellerich is a teacher at Shelton Public Schools where she has taught Spanish I-IV since 2007. Ms. Shoemaker, often called Senora Zapato, is a Spanish teacher and Curriculum Specialist at Elkhorn Public Schools. Ms. Shoemaker has expanded her classroom practice to include international education and STEM approaches. She is also an adjunct professor at Nebraska Wesleyan University. The two will continue to work together on the NILA Governing Board as Ms. Hellerich takes the role of Past President. Other members of the NILA Governing Board are:
President Elect Janet Eckerson. Dr. Eckerson is the World Language Department Chair and a Spanish teacher at Lincoln High School in Lincoln and a Practice Fellow at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.
Vice President Katy Cattlett. Ms. Cattlett is the Supervisor of Dual Language and World Language for Omaha Public Schools.
Secretary Brett Avila. Mr. Avila is a Spanish teacher at Sidney Public Schools.
Treasurer Terri Wright. Ms. Wright is a French teacher at Millard Public Schools.
Communications Director Will West. Mr. West is a French teacher at Lincoln Public Schools Lincoln High School.
Nebraska Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese President Angela Wagoner. Ms. Wagoner is a Spanish teacher at Crete Public Schools.
Nebraska Association of Teachers of French President Cara Heminger. Ms. Heminger is a French teacher at Lincoln Public Schools North Star High School. Ms. Heminger also serves as the Conference Organizer.
Nebraska Association of Teachers of German President Wendy Brennan. Ms. Brennan teaches German at Millard North High School in Millard.