ELPA21 Test Window
February 8 – April 2, 2021
**Please note that there has been a 2 week extension added to the ELPA21 testing window**
NSCAS Alternate Summative Test Window
March 22 – April 30, 2021
NSCAS General Summative Test Window
March 22 – April 30, 2021
NSCAS ACT Emergency Accommodations Test Window
Fall testing for 2021 cohort only
October 20-23 & 26, 2020
NSCAS ACT Emergency Test Date
Fall testing for 2021 cohort only
NSCAS ACT Initial Test Date
Fall Testing for 2021 Cohort Only
NSCAS ACT Makeup Accommodations Testing Window
Fall testing for 2021 cohort only
October 6-9 & 12, 2020
NSCAS ACT Initial Accommodations Test Window
Fall testing for 2021 cohort only
September 22- October 2, 2020
NSCAS ACT Makeup Test Date
Fall testing for 2021 cohort only
Test Window 1: Initial Paper/Pencil
Test Window 1: ACT Accommodations Online Window
Suspension of all NSCAS Assessments
As the NSCAS testing window opens today (Monday, March 16th), we recognize there are many questions related to statewide summative assessment. Right now, our most important work is ensuring the health and safety of our students, our educators, and our communities.
We recognize the uncertainty facing school districts as decisions are made in response to COVID-19 developments. To that end, the NDE is suspending NSCAS testing for the week of March 16-20, 2020. Please postpone any NSCAS testing that scheduled for this week. This week, we will gather information, and we hope to have more information to share later this week.
We recognize this action will create additional questions. This is a rapidly changing situation, and we appreciate your patience as work through this together. If you have questions, please let our staff know. We are here to support you as you make the best decisions to keep you students, your staff, and your community healthy and safe.
NSCAS Testing Update 3.16.2020
NDE is suspending NSCAS testing for the week of March 16-20, 2020. Please postpone any NSCAS testing that scheduled for this week. This week, we will gather information, and we hope to have more information to share later this week.
Statewide Assessment
Test Window 3: ACT Online Testing
April 20 – 29, 2021
NSCAS ACT Online Test Window 3
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Only
Test Window 3: ACT Initial Paper/Pencil
April 20, 2021