Links to Lewis and Clark Resources
Links to Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804 -1805
Sites for Nebraska Teachers
Lewis and Clark Expedition Facts and Stories
What was happening with the Corps of Discovery when they were near modern-day towns and cities
Corp of Discovery
The “Corps of Discovery” departed from St. Louis on May 14,1804. In a span of 28 months, they covered 8,000 miles, developed friendships with the Native Americans and learned how to survive in some of America’s most beautiful and treacherous territories. Join us now, as we “Re-live the Adventure” of Lewis and Clark.
Discovering Lewis and Clark
Discovering Lewis and Clark is about the issues and values inherent in the Northwest as Lewis and Clark saw it, and some of the ways in which changing visions over the past 200 years have affected the land and the people.
Discovering Lewis and Clark provides a platform from which descendants of the Indian tribes Lewis and Clark met may express themselves in their own words and images, on the occasion of the bicentennial of the expedition.
Discovering Lewis and Clark draws attention to some fascinating sidelights on the expedition
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation is to honor the remarkable historic legacy of Lewis and Clark through research, education, preservation, promotion, and coordination.
Lewis and Clark
IF YOU’RE LOOKING TO explore the frontiers of cyberspace, check out this site about the 1804-06 Lewis and Clark mapping expedition through the Northwest. The Web site ( was launched by the Public Broadcasting Service to accompany its documentary on the expedition directed by Ken Burns, best known for his series on the Civil War.
Lewis and Clark Classroom Resources
The activities and lesson plans developed for this Web site comprise a multidisciplinary unit that uses television and computers as learning tools in the subject areas of science, mathematics, social studies, and language arts. Although the lessons are written for middle level students, they do contain suggested extensions and adaptations to facilitate their use with elementary and secondary students. Each lesson could also be modified to be conducted at home. Suggestions for lesson content improvement and implementation are always welcome. Please email your comments and/or suggestions to PBS Online.
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail
The Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail is approximately 3,700 miles long, begins near Wood River, Illinois, and passes through portions of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.