News Release
April 8, 2020
Afterschool and summer programs will soon be available at three new sites in Nebraska. The State Board of Education approved $1.2 million in federal grants for 21st Century Community Learning Centers at the State Board of Education meeting on April 3. During after-school hours, these programs will offer activities including homework help and tutoring, physical activity, the arts, community service, choices for hands-on learning activities, positive youth development, and leadership.
Grants were approved for the following new programs:
- Collective for Youth’s program in Omaha at Minne Lusa Elementary School received a $91,800 federal grant.
- Collective for Youth’s program in Omaha at Walnut Hill Elementary School received a $91,800 federal grant.
- Hastings Public Schools’ program at Lincoln Elementary School received a $148,316 federal grant.
In addition, 12 quality programs in schools across the state will continue to receive federal grants for 21st Century Community Learning Center programs. These grants are available for five years.
The programs and grants are:
- Achievers Consortium with programs at Crawford Elementary School, Gordon Elementary School, and Rushville Elementary School received a $94,500 federal grant.
- Bayard Public Schools’ program at Bayard Elementary School received a $50,000 federal grant.
- Cedar Bluffs Public Schools’ program at Cedar Bluffs Elementary School received a $50,000 federal grant.
- Chadron Public Schools’ program at Chadron Intermediate School received a $50,050 federal grant.
- Collective for Youth’s program at Monroe Middle School in Omaha received a $50,000 federal grant.
- Crete Public Schools’ program at Crete Intermediate School received a $68,250 federal grant.
- Garden County Public Schools’ program at Garden County Elementary School received a $50,000 federal grant.
- Kearney Public Schools’ programs at Northeast Elementary School and Sunrise Middle School received a $90,057 federal grant.
- Lincoln Public Schools’ programs at Calvert Elementary School, Park Middle School, and North Star High School received a $140,940 federal grant.
- Lincoln Public Schools’ programs at Arnold Elementary School, McPhee Elementary School, Norwood Park Elementary School, and Dawes Middle School received a $143,985 federal grant.
- Minatare Public Schools’ program at Minatare Elementary School received a $50,000 federal grant.
- Wood River Rural Schools’ program at Wood River Elementary School received a $50,000 federal grant.
During the 2018-19 school year, there were 139 sites in 34 Nebraska communities funded by a 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant, which is funded under Title IV, Part B, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended.
Public Information Officer, Nebraska Department of Education