News Release
October 14, 2022
The Nebraska Department of Education is committed to keeping students and educators safe. In an effort to improve school safety, the NDE has created a comprehensive School Safety Task Force. The group met for the first time this week to begin a review of current school safety, security, and preparedness practices and to identify evidence-based strategies and solutions to ensure Nebraska’s schools remain safe.
The task force is comprised of members from across the state and includes representation from public and private school educators, law enforcement, city leaders, and concerned parents.
Task force members will help determine the state of disaster preparedness and recommend strategies to enhance school safety and security for Nebraska K-12 schools. Additionally, the taskforce will recommend legislative action or investment by December 2022 and recommend system enhancements not requiring immediate legislative action by April 2023.
During the first meeting, members discussed how to measure safety in schools, security advancements Nebraska schools have made and challenges to effective safety and security practices.
The task force is co-chaired by Nebraska Commissioner of Education Matthew Blomstedt and Senator Lynne Walz. Joe Wright, Director of Security at Lincoln Public Schools and Dr. Denise Bulling, Sr. Research Director at the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center are serving as task force facilitators.
More information on the School Safety Task Force is available at
Public Information Officer, Nebraska Department of Education