Self-Paced Professional Learning

A collection of archived webinars addressing topics related to high-quality English Language Arts materials.

SchoolKit’s Foundation Skills Tutoring Course – This free Canvas course is designed for caregivers and tutors who are supporting students to develop their foundational reading skills. The course helps to build caregivers and tutors’ knowledge and skills of evidence-based reading instruction and provides resources that tutors can use for planning and instruction. This course includes 8 training modules and takes 6-10 total hours to complete.

Introduction to ELA Shifts (Grades K-12) – Access this 1-2 hour PD module (Student Achievement Partners) that can be adjusted to fit local needs.

Teaching Foundational Reading Skills Mooc-Ed (Free) – The Teaching Foundational Reading Skills MOOC-Ed will help you more effectively prepare your students in grades K–3 with the skills they need to become successful readers. This MOOC-Ed is organized around the recommendations of the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade Practice Guide.

Intensive Intervention in Reading– The National Center on Intensive Intervention at American Institutes for Research offers an online course focused on intensive reading intervention. This course provides learners with an opportunity to extend their understanding of intensive intervention through in-depth exposure to data based individualization in reading, complete with exemplars from actual classroom teachers. There are six modules within this course. This module covers considerations in reading instruction and intervention, progress monitoring and diagnostic data, and adaptations for word reading and comprehension.

Explore Courses: Self-Paced Learning for PreK-2 Educators and Caregivers – PBS KIDS offers a FREE collection of flexible, self-paced learning to help inspire educators and caregivers. Choose from several learning experiences designed to spark new ideas and expand your skill set.

UnboundEd: Podcasts with Literacy Experts – Provides educators with wisdom from the field’s top experts to better equip them with research-based strategies to assist students in reaching grade-level proficiency and ensure college- and career-readiness.

Nebraska Instructional Materials Collaborative – A collection of archived webinars addressing topics related to English Language Arts. – edWeb provides free edWebinars and professional learning communities so educators can share their best ideas and practices to improve teaching and learning, student achievement, and school culture.

Updated July 11, 2024 11:59am