November 29, 2018


Please log onto your portal accounts and go to the “My Profile” tab and check to make sure your contact information (especially the email address) is up to date.  It is very important to keep this information updated as the Department of Education uses the email address that is in the users’ Portal account to send vital information.  Thank you!!


NEP Secure – Accessing Assessment and Accountability Results

Contact:  Lane Carr

In a few days, you and your school teams will have access to AQuESTT school raw classifications.  AQuESTT is designed to help the NDE and partners focus supports with the ultimate goal of ensuring all students across backgrounds and circumstances have equitable access and opportunities for success. For more information about AQuESTT please visit our website


Information on your schools’ assessment, dropout, and cohort graduation data can be accessed in the NEP Secure collection.  On the NDE Portal, you will need to add the appropriate activation code for the NEP Secure collection which is found under the “Data Collections” tab on the Portal to access the information.  Activation codes are found under the “District Admin” tab on the District Administrator’s NDE Portal account.  The activation codes can be distributed at your District Administrator’s discretion to principals and DACs to see individual school-level data.  For assistance with this process, please contact the NDE Helpdesk at


As this is the first time in 3 years your school has received a new AQuESTT classification (Excellent-Great-Good-Needs Improvement), we wanted to share with you the dates from today until December 21 when the classification results become public.


Date Information Available  
November 13 NEP Secure – District Access to assessment, cohort graduation & dropout data, etc. (EMBARGOED)
November 19 NEP Secure – AQuESTT Classification available (EMBARGOED)

-School-level activation codes will be temporarily suspended in the Portal to allow district personnel time to view school profiles

November 19 Classification and Assessment Key Messages distributed to superintendents
December 17 NEP Secure – Final classifications posted (EMBARGOED)

-Media receives access to embargoed data for first time

December 21 NEP becomes public, press release and videos released



Title I Annual Caseload Count of Children In Local Institutions For Neglected or Delinquent

DUE DATE:  December 5 (Audit Window Close Date:  January 5, 2019)

Contact:  Pat Frost (402-471-2478 or

The purpose of this annual caseload count is to provide the State Educational Agency with current information on the location and number of children living in institutions for neglected or delinquent children, or in local correctional institutions.  The information collected will be used in the Title I formula for computing allocations for local educational agencies.

Collection completed by Public


2018-2019 Migrant Title ICDUE DATE:  December 21

Contact:  Sue Henry (402-471-3440 or

The 2018-2019 Migrant Title IC grant application became available in the GMS system on Tuesday, November 13 and will be due by midnight on Friday, December 21.



SPED Proportionate Share Worksheet for Non-Public Schools – 2019-2020

OPENED:  November 1 – CLOSES:  December 15

Contact: Pete Biaggio (402-471-4308) in the Office of Special Education

All public school districts (including districts that do NOT have approved/accredited non-public schools or exempt home schools located within the district‘s jurisdiction) are required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to complete and submit the 2019-2020 IDEA Proportionate Share application.  This collection is found under the “Data Collection” tab in the portal.  This collection is based on the October 1, 2018 child count of eligible children with disabilities (ages 3-21) and determines the amount of IDEA funds that must be expended for eligible parentally placed children with disabilities in an accredited/approved nonpublic school and/or an exempt home school within the school district boundaries.


Teacher Vacancy Survey – 2018-2019 – NDE Portal Collection

Audit Window Close Date:  December 10

Contact: Karen Buller (402-471-4837 or

The annual Teacher Vacancy Survey collects statewide teacher vacancy information that is used to determine teacher shortage areas.  This information is used to qualify content areas eligible for a number of state and federal teacher loan forgiveness opportunities and to inform research regarding teacher supply and shortage initiatives.  Public districts, Nonpublic systems and Educational Service Units will find the Teacher Vacancy Survey – 2018-2019 in the ONLINE list on the NDE Portal under the Data Collections Tab.  An activation code is required. Check with your District Administrator to acquire the code.  Audit window close date:  December 10

Collection to be completed by Public, Nonpublic, ESU