State Board Report
December 2018
Business, Marketing, and Management Standards
The State Board of Education voted unanimously to approve a revision of Nebraska’s Business, Marketing, and Management Standards. The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) held several focus groups with local business leaders to receive input on the revisions. Educators met to identify programs of study and revise the standards based on preparation for careers in the Business, Marketing, and Management career field. Although not required by Nebraska Statute, the revision of these standards provides a framework for ensuring high quality teaching and learning.
Business, Marketing and, Management Standards Overview
Business, Marketing, and Management Standards
Nebraska Statewide Assessment and Reporting System Annual Plan
The State Board is required to adopt a plan for assessment and reporting every year and submit the plan to the Governor and State Legislature. The Board approved this year’s plan unanimously.
Nebraska Statewide Assessment and Reporting System Annual Plan
Revisions to Rule 91 and 92
Board members voted to approve changes to Rules 91 and 92 that encompass student transportation, to reflect changes to state law during the 2018 Legislative session and to align the transportation rule with recommendations from the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services. Specifically, the driving skills test was eliminated and the annual physical requirements were changed to a bi-annual requirement.
2019 State Board Meeting Dates
The State Board of Education approved the proposed 2019 State Board meeting dates. Generally the Board meets on the first Thursday and Friday after the first Monday of the month with no meeting taking place in July.
State Board of Education Meeting Dates
Recognition of Outgoing Board Members
The December 2018 board meeting was the final meeting for members Patrick McPherson and Molly O’Holleran. Board members and the Commissioner took time during the meeting to thank the outgoing members for all their hard work and significant contributions. Molly O’Holleran served the board for eight years representing District 7. Pat McPherson served the board for four years representing District 8. Two new board members, Robin Stevens and Deborah Neary, will join the board in January.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, January 11, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. at the Nebraska State Office Building.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,