State Board Report
August 2021
2021 Nebraska Teacher of the Year Quarterly Report
Nebraska’s Teacher of the Year, Paul Timm, talked to board members about his busy Summer. His presentation included speaking at NDE Day and NSEA. Timm also talked about his experience going to space camp with other Teachers of the Year from around the country. He also took part in the Do Right Right Now campaign promoting vaccines. Timm said it has been his honor to spread his love of teaching throughout the state and beyond as Teacher of the Year.
Revisions to Rule 24, Regulations for Certificate Endorsements
Rule 24 addresses the regulations for certificate endorsements and is revised annually. Changes include clarification of the principal endorsement language, clarification of the elementary education endorsement language, updating the social studies endorsement to reflect the Nebraska social studies standards, updating the world language endorsement to reflect the Nebraska world language standards, updating the school librarian endorsement to reflect current terminology, eliminating the anthropology endorsement, and changes to several Praxis exam numbers and pass rates.
Discussion on English Language Arts (ELA)Standards and Approval, Accreditation, and Accountability Rules
The State Board of Education heard progress on revisions to the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards and a change to the timeline for the Approval, Accreditation, and Accountability Rules. A group of Nebraska educators, led by the Nebraska Department of Education, is working to revise the ELA Standards from 2014.
These standards create the framework for English Language Arts instruction in Nebraska.
The State Board of Education also received an update on the timeline for the Approval, Accreditation, and Accountability Rules. After collecting feedback, there were concerns about the current timeline. Requests have called for extending the timeline to allow for additional stakeholder feedback, revisions to the current drafts, and allowing schools time to implement any new regulations.
English Language Arts Revision Overview
Create the Mental Health Support Grant
The Office of Coordinated Student Support Services School Mental Health Team plans to offer support to all 244 Schools Districts across Nebraska in their efforts to better support the mental health needs of students and school staff. This project will provide students and school staff with mental health support and students will receive education around mental health and ways to support their own, and others’, mental health.
Authorize Boys Town to become the communications center for the School Safety and Security Reporting System Act
LB322 passed in May of 2021 and requires the NDE to establish the Safe2HelpNE report line as a statewide anonymous reporting system to support threat assessment teams and reduce potential risks and incidents of violence. Steps are being taken toward the transition of the Douglas County pilot to become a statewide implementation by September 1, 2021.
Boys Town provided the communications center support for the Douglas County pilot project .This contract will transfer the operations of the project to NDE with the assistance of Boys Town as the communications center.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant Award Notifications
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) has been a nationwide program since 2008 and operates in selected elementary schools in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The program is designed to help create healthier school environments and combat childhood obesity. The FFVP expands the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience, increases their fruit and vegetable consumption, and can positively impact their present and future health.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grants
reVISION Action grants
Since 2012, the NDE’s reVISION process has been instrumental in improving and strengthening Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Nebraska. This process provides Nebraska schools with the opportunity to analyze and transform their current CTE systems in order educate a qualified workforce that meets industry needs within an ever-changing economy.
reVISION Grants
Nebraska Health Education Standards Draft 2
Board members had their first opportunity to discuss Draft 2 of the proposed Health Education Standards. More than 100 individuals also shared their opinion on Draft 2 with board members. A group of educators led by the Nebraska Department of Education, developed the Nebraska Health Education Standards and recently revised the proposal into Draft 2. The standards create the framework for K-12 health education in Nebraska. The public can comment on Draft 2 through an online survey and through email to
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, September 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
A work session may be held on Thursday, September 2, 2021 if needed. Times will vary by month.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,