State Board Report
April 2019
Nebraska Social Studies Standards
The Nebraska Department of Education released a draft of proposed revisions to the Nebraska Social Studies Standards and is seeking input from the public. Staff presented the draft to Nebraska State Board of Education members for review. The proposed revisions outline the expectations for what students will learn in civics, economics, geography, U.S. history, and world history for grades K-12 in order to be college, career, and civic ready upon high school graduation. Approval for the standards is expected in the fall of 2019.
Nebraska Social Studies Standards Board Presentation
Nebraska Social Studies Standards Draft
Nebraska Social Studies Standards Public Input Survey
Recognition of Schools for Flood Response
The board approved a resolution commending schools for tenacity, resilience, and stability provided after the catastrophic floods in Nebraska. Board members also committed to working with schools to overcome any and all challenges presented by the recent storms. More than 90 public school districts were impacted in some way and nearly 200 schools were closed, affecting more than 34,000 students. Director of Statewide Assessment Jeremy Heneger discussed how the catastrophic floods impacted testing throughout the state. Two districts will use the emergency ACT testing date. Five districts are taking an NSCAS testing two-week extension. The majority of schools are, or will be, testing during the normal testing window.
Resolution to Commend Schools on Natural Disaster Response
21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Grant Program
Afterschool and summer programs will soon be available at 10 new sites in Nebraska. The State Board of Education approved $2.2 million in federal grants for 21st Century Community Learning Centers. During after school hours, these programs will offer activities including homework help and tutoring, physical activity, the arts, community service, choices for hands-on learning activities, positive youth development, and leadership.
2019 Nebraska Teacher of the Year Report
Lincoln High School teacher Sydney Jensen presented to the board on the importance of teacher coaching and professional development. Jensen also gave an update on her visits and presentations so far this year. Jensen traveled to a national conference in Florida with other teachers of the year and visited Google. She was also a national panelist for a survey by Scholastic and is preparing to head to Washington D.C. to advocate for public education.
Nebraska Milken Educator Presentation
Becky Streff from North Bend Central was surprised this year with the Milken Educator Award. She visited with the board and was recognized by the Commissioner. Streff is getting ready to travel for her role as a Milken Educator and discussed her plans for the coming year. She said teaching is one of the most important and rewarding professions because she gets to educate the future.
Presentation by Students from Winnebago Public Schools
Several students from Winnebago High School presented to the board on what they would like to see in social studies, world history and American history education. The students encouraged the board to emphasize Pre-Columbian Native civilizations in world history, world geography, and linguistics.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Board of Education will be held on
Friday, May 3, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Nebraska State Office Building.
A work session will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.
For detailed information about the work session or business meeting,