GetConnected Nebraska Afterschool | Workshop I | 9:30-10:30
4-H STEM Reading Connections – Libraries Rock!
STEM Reading Connections is a program designed by Nebraska Extension that engages youth in extended 4-H learning opportunities linked to the yearly collaborative summer library program.
Presenters: Jackie Steffen and Jennifer Hansen, Nebraska Extension
4-H STEM Reading Connections – Libraries Rock!
Development of a Full Service Community School Evaluation Framework
How can directors and other leaders provide consistent and equitable feedback regarding program quality when there are multiple sites, partners, and coordinators across a system? By using resources from the National Center for Community Schools, the Lincoln Community Learning Centers has developed a set of tools that allow for site-based uniqueness and system-wide consistency. We look forward to sharing with you our model for development, steps for implementation, and discussion on using results for program improvement.
Presenters: Teresa Wanser-Ernst, Educational Service Unit 18 and Nola Derby-Bennett, Lincoln Public Schools
Development of a Full Service Community School Evaluation Framework
Full Service Community School Partnership Rubric
Full Service Community School Student Success Rubric
NCCS Building Community Schools
Growing Up WILD: Engaging Children in Nature – Part 1 (must participate in both parts 1 & 2)
Session participants will be trained in the Growing Up WILD curriculum and activity guide which is filled with hands-on, interdisciplinary lessons for engaging students in science and nature. All participants will receive a copy of the Growing Up WILD guide as well as a flow-chart for using the guide to do an 8 or 16 week club. This session is best for elementary (K-5) programs. This session is two hours long, participants must attend the entire workshop to receive materials.
Presenter: Lindsay Rogers, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Improving Family and Community Engagement in Your Program
- OST programs, Schools, parents, and the community should work together to promote the health, well being, and learning of all students. When OST programs actively involve parents and engage community resources they are able to respond more effectively to the needs of students.
- Family and community involvements foster partnerships among OST programs, family and community groups, and individuals. These partnerships result in sharing and maximizing resources. And they help children and youth develop healthy behaviors and promote healthy families.
Presenter: Kim Bradford, Urban League of Nebraska
Meaningful Makerspaces…The Marriage of Makerspace and Project-Based Learning
Participants will learn about how two schools began their first year of intentional Makerspace programming and incorporated Project-based learning into their lessons. Learn how they taught students the basics of makerspace, applied those skills to real-life applications, and connected it all through addressing needs in their community.
Presenters: Lindsay Limbach, Lincoln Parks and Recreation and Laura Ruppert, Family Service
Rockin’ With the Science and Technology of Rhythm and Music
This session will take the participants through a process of discovery and invention that can easily be replicated with the students we serve in our afterschool programs. Participants will create and use musical instruments in a Music Makerspace, followed by a group collaborative activity where participants apply sound to a silent movie. This session is teachy, techy, fun!
Presenters: Brandon Prater, North Star High School and Kathie Phillips, Lincoln Community Learning Centers
Safe Environments: Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
Adverse experiences in childhood impact the development of children and carry long term consequences. Creating a safe environment that protects children and staff is crucial for the success of any afterschool program. This presentation will inform the participant of the impact of child sexual abuse and what your organization can do to implement practices geared towards prevention.
Javier Castellote, Project Harmony
Safe Environments: Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
Question for Screening Volunteers
St. Andrews Parks Playground – Policy Manual
Successful Behavior Management Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behavior (this session repeats from 1:00-2:00)
This session focuses on addressing pervasive and persistent challenging behavior through prevention. Why is it that a child’s problem behaviors continue, or even escalate, regardless of how we respond or what we do? It’s a trap we fall into all too often, and a hamster wheel we get stuck on; Problem – Punish – Forgive – Problem – Punish – Forgive, over and over again. Come learn new strategies for escaping the hamster wheel and addressing problem behaviors from a different angle.
Presenter: Carrie Gottschalk, Nebraska Extension
Understand Social & Emotional Attitudes in a Culturally Diverse
- Cultural diversity in the workplace provides strength. It also challenges individuals to respond to their diverse work environment effectively.
- “Valuing” individual and group cultural differences is critical to achieving the organizational goals. Participants will have opportunities to their personal values.
- Participants will recognize how cultural assumptions influence thoughts and actions. Participants will become more aware of other’s perceptions.
Presenter: Laron Henderson, Collective for Youth